What materials are used for soundproofing under wallpaper: an insulating layer of foam rubber and other finishing materials

Creating a calm and cozy living environment can be greatly enhanced by soundproofing your walls. Selecting the appropriate materials to place beneath your wallpaper is essential if you want to lower noise levels. Foam rubber is a common choice because of its superior insulating qualities. It’s not the only option, though; you can also achieve a quieter home with other materials.

Whether it’s reducing noise inside your house or absorbing sounds outside, each material has advantages of its own. You can choose an option that best fits your needs and budget by being aware of all the options available.

Soundproofing materials for walls in an apartment under wallpaper

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Each and every home owner desires comfort and tranquility. It is annoying when there are a lot of unnecessary sounds coming from the street and neighbors.

Particularly after a long day at work when you want to unwind.

There are lots of indoor and outdoor soundproofing materials available in the construction market.

Comfort, quiet, and tranquility in an apartment require soundproofing materials for the walls beneath the wallpaper.

Soundproofing walls: features

You won’t have any trouble installing sound insulation beneath wallpaper if you pay attention to some of the details. Sound insulation and sound absorption are two different things. If the noise is coming from the outside, it is called absorption; if it is coming from inside an apartment or house, it is called insulation. Features that insulate against sound:

  • comfort – external sounds do not reach the apartment residents;
  • there is sound insulation that has a surface that does not require a finishing coating;
  • it is possible to turn on loud music or talk until late in the evening;
  • have not only soundproofing properties, but also create thermal insulation.

There are drawbacks in spite of many advantages. Certain materials need empty space in order to be installed. The second drawback is a substantial price, but the aforementioned qualities make it worthwhile.

For smaller apartments or homes, there are options for both a lining underneath the wallpaper and sound-absorbing wallpaper available in the building supply industry.

Noise reduction index

You must identify the kind of noise being produced in order to choose sound insulation correctly:

  1. Airborne – all sounds coming into the apartment. This is the hum of cars, a loud TV at the neighbors, barking dogs.
  2. Impact – repairs in the neighboring house, behind the wall.

There’s a 25 dB noise level, but the person feels comfortable. A ringing in the ears sensation associated with anxiety arises when the noise index drops. An acceptable norm is an index of up to 60 dB. An indicator reading of 90 dB indicates agitation and uneasiness. A sound pressure level of 100 dB may cause hearing loss.

Three categories comprise the market’s selection of sound-absorbing types:

  1. Hard – produced using mineral wool in granules. Absorption coefficient – 0.5. Weight 300-400 kg / m3.
  2. Soft group – mineral wool base, fiberglass. Sound absorption coefficient 0.7-0.95. Weight 70 kg / m3.
  3. Semi-rigid type – slabs using mineral wool or fiberglass, having a cell structure. Noise absorption coefficient 0.5-0.75. Weight 80-130 kg / m3.

Apartments in multi-story buildings can hear structural noise because the main structures lack sound-absorbing components. Sound insulation is used as pads to eliminate it. When impact sound is present all the time, a semi-rigid type with a cellular structure is employed. Install a solid sound insulation group with a noise absorption coefficient of 0.5 to eliminate airborne noise.

Soundproofing materials

There are various kinds, each categorized according to particular uses.

The act of reflecting incoming noise results in soundproofing. A wall’s ability to block sound depends on its thickness. The soundproofing gets better with thickness in the structure. 52–60 dB is the soundproofing index. Plasterboard is an additional material used in soundproofing.

The process of soundproofing involves using a material that has a fiber structure and looks like cells when crumbs are added. Coefficient of noise absorption 0-1. 0.4 is the average value.

Films and membranes are examples of soundproofing materials. They have an excellent coefficient and are thin at the same time. The thickness of mineral membrane is 0.25–0.37 centimeters. This is vinyl made of aragonite, barite, and "Texaund."

The thickness of polyethylene is 0.5 cm. Underneath wallpaper, it is mounted. Additionally, lead foil with a 0.7 cm thickness was used.

Types of materials that are most appropriate are listed.


In order to achieve quiet in the apartment, soundproofing panel ZIPS are used in rooms beneath wallpaper. This sandwich panel is made of plasterboard and mineral wool. The panel’s thickness varies from 40 to 130 mm depending on the type. The thickness of the drywall used is 12.5 mm. A vibration-absorbing gasket is used during installation. A tongue and groove system is used to connect them. The thickness of the ZIPS determines the 9–18 dB increase in the noise insulation index.

The weight of a 1500×1500 mm panel is 18.5–21 kg. Thus, to install the panel, a sturdy supporting structure is needed.


The following situations are relevant to the material:

  • installation of ZIPS – gasket between the floor, ceiling;
  • installation of soundproof partition – laying in metal structures.

Impact noise index is lowered to 29 dB.

Vibroacoustic sealant

Joints in the gypsum board-mounted structure have high vibration insulation, and structural noise is also decreased. Underneath the wallpaper, the sealant is used to fill the seams of the structure being built. It is imperative that you shield your skin and eyes when using it. Once dried, it becomes non-toxic and safe.


Coniferous trees are used to make the material. It has the ability to insulate against heat while preventing outside noise from entering. It is applied beneath putty as well as wallpaper. environmentally friendly substance. Simple to set up. Its high cost is thought to be a drawback.

Reduction of noise to 27 dB.

Soundproof wallpaper

Paper-covered foamed polyethylene makes up the lining beneath the wallpaper. This roll material is designed to absorb sound. It possesses the following qualities in addition to the ability to insulate:

  • safety for health – the material is made from elements that are not harmful to human health;
  • prevents the spread of mold, does not rot;
  • installation of roll material does not reduce useful square meters;
  • service life of 50 years.

Another benefit is that you can level the walls before applying wallpaper.

One drawback is the high price. Additionally, if the space is damp, the resulting condensation will condense into water droplets that stick to the wallpaper.

The wallpaper’s backing is composed of non-woven cork fabric.

Soundproofing membrane

Mineral-based roll material. Installation is done using glue on a variety of surfaces. Up to 22 dB of noise reduction is achieved. The membrane is equipped with several features.

  • does not tear;
  • harmless to health;
  • service life up to 20 years;
  • at a temperature of -20 0С does not burst.

Soundproofing putty

Granules in the soundproofing mixture reflect sound waves. It is applied in a thin layer to both enhance acoustics and lessen noise coming from the space.

The mixture is applied in a 20 mm layer for optimal results.

The mixture’s negative is that it doesn’t muffle loud noises. Putty may occasionally be applied in two layers.


This roll material was made using bitumen as a foundation. It is thin and has good acoustic insulation. under putty and plasterboard, mounted with glue. It possesses the following qualities:

  • impact noise reduction up to 27 dB;
  • has waterproofing properties;
  • flexible;
  • not hazardous to health.

Cons: Expensive price.


Groups of cork materials are separated based on their respective purposes.

  1. Pressed sheet created on the basis of crumbs. Does not rot. Has a service life of 40 years. Does not allow mold to spread. Sheet thickness 2-4 mm. Can be produced in rolls. Impact noise reduction index 12 dB.
  2. Base. Created by mixing cork granules and synthetic rubber. Reduces impact noise. Used as a base for various finishing materials. Waterproofing is required for installation of the base.
  3. Base – kraft paper, bitumen impregnation, cork crumbs. Waterproofing is not needed during installation. However, with strong moisture, the crumbs peel off from the base and begin to rot.

Cork sound insulators have advantages as well as drawbacks. Firstly, they are pricey and cannot withstand high humidity.


This material is composed of seven layers, each consisting of cardboard sheets mixed with quartz sand. The panel is 1.3 centimeters thick. 38 dB is the noise absorption index. Glue is used to mount the panels.

Rolls also contain zvukoizol. This is bitumen and foamed polyethylene foam. It functions as a waterproofer. robust and elastic.

Which material is the thinnest

Foamed polyethylene is the material that works best. It serves as wallpaper backing. Installing it is simple.

  • does not rot;
  • has low weight;
  • high porosity;
  • low thermal conductivity.

A cork backing is the second choice. It is harmful to health, has good soundproofing, and has thermal insulation capabilities. In private homes, the backing essentially serves as insulation and a soundproofing material. With glue, installation is completed.

The non-woven fabric is the third choice. Its vapor permeability is good. When mounted on walls, the material conceals small flaws in the surface. One roll’s length is 10–12 meters. 60-100 cm is the width. Non-woven cloth is adhered to both vertically and horizontally.

Materials like foam rubber and other specialty finishing options work well for soundproofing beneath wallpaper, which effectively lowers noise levels in your house. These materials are a sensible option for improving the comfort of any room because they block and absorb sound, which contributes to the creation of a quieter living area.

Specialized soundproofing materials

Wallpaper that twitches. This product is constructed from layers of pile and dense fabric. The wallpaper has the ability to insulate against heat and is soundproof. additionally possesses several attributes:

  • easy to clean – washable;
  • moisture-resistant;
  • resistant to fading;
  • can be used as a finishing coat.

There is a vast array of colors and textured patterns in tufting wallpaper.

Synthetic fur. This wallpaper has a velvety feel to it. It possesses the following qualities:

  • easy care;
  • easy installation;
  • availability of purchase.

One drawback is that dust collects on the surface often, requiring weekly vacuuming of the wallpaper.

In order to make the apartment feel cozy, you must take care of the sound insulation. When choosing a material, consider the kind of noise and pick an appropriate sound insulator based on the footage.

Material Description
Foam Rubber A lightweight and flexible material that provides good sound insulation when placed under wallpaper, helping to reduce noise from adjoining rooms.
Cork Natural and eco-friendly, cork offers excellent sound absorption, making it a popular choice for soundproofing under wallpaper in living spaces.
Fiberglass A durable material that effectively dampens sound, fiberglass is commonly used to enhance the acoustic properties of walls when covered with wallpaper.
Acoustic Panels Specialized panels designed to absorb sound, often used in combination with wallpaper to improve the overall soundproofing of a room.

The peace and comfort of your house can be greatly affected by the materials you choose for your walls’ soundproofing. In addition to reducing noise, foam rubber and other finishing materials are great choices because they insulate your walls.

Through careful product selection, you can effectively reduce unwanted sounds and create a more tranquil environment. These materials offer a useful and effective way to improve your living area, whether you have thin walls or simply want to make a change.

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Veronica Gerasimova

Interior designer, author of books on the design of residential premises. I will help you make your home not only functional, but also beautiful.

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