Than and how to paint the walls in the bathroom

Without doing a total makeover, painting the walls in your bathroom can be a terrific way to breathe new life into the area. But picking the appropriate paint and understanding the best techniques is crucial because of the high humidity and frequent exposure to water.

The best paints for bathroom walls will be discussed in this post, along with tips and tricks for applying a glossy, long-lasting finish that resists moisture. We have advice to help you complete the task correctly, whether you’re going for a bold, vibrant color or a soft, neutral tone.

Features of staining walls

Painting bathroom walls is the most popular and widely requested low-cost finish coating technique. Because of the higher humidity in the space, she can handle harsh conditions to the best of her ability with the appropriate paint choice. There are numerous methods for finishing the walls in the bathroom.

Among them are:

  • Laying ceramic tiles (see. Facing the bathroom with ceramic tiles: a classic of the genre).
  • Mosaic.
  • Using plastic panels.
  • Application of decorative plaster.

However, painting the bathroom walls is frequently the only appropriate fix.

The following are some benefits of such a coating:

  • Economy. At the same time, to carry out a major overhaul, it is worth initially spending a lot of money on purchasing high-quality materials to prepare the walls in the bathroom for painting. After this, subsequent cosmetic repairs will not require large financial costs. What type of paint and how to paint the walls in the bathroom, everyone will choose for themselves in order to transform the interior, after the boring old decor.
  • Original appearance of the room. No one will be surprised by the tiling of the bathroom. And painted walls for the bathroom have a non-standard look, which is shown in the photo.

The following are some drawbacks of painted surfaces:

  • The coating is not very durable. The bathroom is a room with fairly high humidity. Even the best paint and varnish coatings produced by modern manufacturers cannot guarantee long-term operation of the coating without the occurrence of various defects on it, the appearance of mold on the walls.

Advice: Make sure the bathroom has excellent ventilation, preferably forced air, before painting the walls.

  • Certain difficulties in care. When using paint for walls from dirt, they must be washed carefully, without the use of abrasives, preventing their mechanical damage.
  • Quite simple, unpretentious finishing. Often, a single-color painting of the walls in the room, in combination with old samples of plumbing, make the interior of the bathroom ordinary, the price of which is not high, and the appearance is unattractive. But this can be avoided after carefully selecting all the details of the room"s furnishings.

To achieve durability and a long-lasting finish, painting bathroom walls requires careful selection of moisture-resistant paints and appropriate application techniques. To avoid peeling and mildew, use premium mold-resistant paints made for high-humidity areas and apply them to a surface that has been properly prepared. You can create a chic and useful space in your bathroom with the correct equipment and careful attention to detail.

How to prepare bathroom walls for painting

It is necessary to properly prepare the walls before applying a new coating. Older buildings frequently have rooms with painted walls.

For this reason, the question of how to paint over bathroom walls is very pressing. This can be done in a few different ways.

The ones that are most frequently utilized are:

  • Removing layers of paint with a hammer and a regular chisel.

In this instance, the old paint is partially removed by hammering the chisel.

Depending on the owner’s tastes, any kind of chisel may be used.

Advice: You should buy multiple chisels at once, ideally of different kinds. This is because the tool becomes dull while being used, necessitating replacement.

  • Removing paint using a chemical method.

Here, a paint destroyer—a caustic substance—is used to etch the paint. These are the approximate steps for removing old paint:

  1. take a regular brush;
  2. dip the tool in the destroyer, which looks like liquid jelly;
  3. apply the substance to the painted wall;
  4. after about 15 minutes, the coating on the wall begins to swell;
  5. remove the paint with a hard spatula.

Paint that has swelled is easier to remove than ordinary paint. However, if the coating is extremely ingrained, you will have to use the spatula again and apply the reagent to the area multiple times.

When using such a reagent in operations, take the following precautions:

  1. all work must be carried out with rubber gloves;
  2. if the mixture gets on your hand, wash it off very quickly with water;
  3. it is necessary to ensure good ventilation in the room, due to the presence of harmful concentrated substances with a pungent odor in the liquid.

Advice: You should exit the room and wait for the coating to swell after smearing the walls. When the task is finished, the opened can needs to be securely closed. If not, there’s a chance the can’s lid will pop off and fly out with a bang, setting the stage for liquid to land on your face.

  • Removing paint with a wire brush attached to a drill.

Using this method, the wall surface is processed by attaching a wire brush to a drill. One drawback of the approach is:

  1. a lot of dust is generated;
  2. sometimes a wire brush may not cope in places where the paint is knocked off with a chisel and hammer;
  3. you need to work in a respirator and protect your eyes.
  • Thermal method.

The technique involves using old paint to heat the wall:

  1. the surface is heated until the paint becomes soft;
  2. the coating is scraped off with a spatula.

You can use a blowtorch or a construction heat gun for heating, but this is not safe. Drawbacks with the approach:

  1. emission of harmful toxic fumes;
  2. different thermal conductivity of the walls. On a wooden wall, the paint heats up well, but on concrete or brick it does not heat up well, which requires the use of a powerful hair dryer.

See the video in this post for additional information on how to paint a bathroom wall.

How to putty walls before applying paint

All imperfections need to be puttied after the old paint has been completely removed (see Puttying walls for painting at different angles). For interior work, use a putty that is resistant to moisture.

Buying a material made of latex or acrylic is the best option. They possess all the essential qualities that will enable you to paint the bathroom walls in a high-quality manner.

When working:

  • All existing cracks are carefully sealed with putty.
  • After the solution dries, remove excess irregularities with sandpaper or a grinder.

It is preferable to use a grinding machine with a dust extractor connected to an industrial vacuum cleaner via a special hose for increased convenience. This will keep dust out of the room.

  • The walls are primed. The coating is applied in up to three layers, as indicated in the manufacturer"s recommendations. The primer must be purchased with antibacterial properties, which will prevent mold and mildew from appearing on the walls.

How to choose paint

Advice: Consider the paint’s ability to withstand high temperatures and moisture when selecting a paint for your bathroom.

In the restroom, you can utilize:

  • Water-based paints. The advantages of the coating are:
  1. environmental friendliness;
  2. no unpleasant odor;
  3. easy to apply.
  1. low mechanical strength;
  2. it is easy to damage;
  3. "afraid" of certain detergents, which can simply wash it off.
  • Acrylic and latex paints. Such water-dispersion coatings are much more durable, have greater resistance to physical damage.
  • Chlorinated rubber paint. This is a new type of coating that can be used for walls in the bathroom, the walls of swimming pools in your homes.
  • Oil paint. This is the most common type of such coating, its cost is not high, it is resistant to damage and moisture. Flaws:
  1. sufficiently long drying period;
  2. bad smell.

Advice: When selecting a paint for your bathroom walls, bear in mind that glossy paint is best suited for perfectly smooth surfaces, but matte paint can effectively conceal minor wall imperfections.

What tools are needed?

In order to paint the walls, you must buy:

  • Several brushes with different widths. They will be needed when repainting walls in places difficult to reach with a roller, for:
  1. bathroom;
  2. toilet;
  3. washing machine;
  4. water supply pipes;
  5. under the washbasin.
  • Paint roller. Such a tool should have short pile. In this case:
  1. made of polyamide, purchased for painting walls with latex or oil paints;
  2. an acrylic roller is selected to cover the walls with emulsion paint;
  3. made of velor, used for applying nitro varnishes.

The amount of roughness on the walls that need to be painted determines how big the tool’s pile gets. It’s not necessary to have a long pile if the surface is properly painted. In this instance, buying a roller with a pile of 10 to 15 millimeters is sufficient.

Advice: Make sure to give a roller a thorough inspection before buying one. The tool’s threads ought to be tightly wound, and the seam ought to be invisible.

Use a textured roller to create a pattern on the wall.

  • Paint tray.
  • Masking tape.
Type of Paint How to Apply
Waterproof Paint Apply with a roller or brush in even coats, let it dry completely between layers.
Oil-Based Paint Use a roller for larger areas and a brush for edges; allow proper ventilation as it dries.
Mold-Resistant Paint Apply after cleaning the surface; use a roller for smooth application.
Acrylic Paint Use a roller or sprayer for even coverage, typically requires two coats.

Selecting the appropriate paint for your bathroom walls is crucial for both longevity and design. Make sure the paint you choose can withstand the high levels of moisture and humidity that are typical in bathrooms. To avoid problems like peeling or mold, look for options that are mildew- or water-resistant.

Preparation is essential when painting. Before painting, give your walls a thorough cleaning and make sure they are completely dry. For optimal paint adhesion and extended paint life, use a bathroom primer.

Regarding color, lighter hues can create the illusion of space in a small bathroom, while darker tones lend an air of sophistication. Regardless of your preference, a new coat of paint can make your bathroom seem cozier and friendlier.

Video on the topic

DIY bathroom renovation | repainting tiles

Bathroom. How to paint the walls in the bathroom. Seal the joint between the bathtub and the wall.


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Veronica Gerasimova

Interior designer, author of books on the design of residential premises. I will help you make your home not only functional, but also beautiful.

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