Ready-made finishing heavy cement mortar. Composition. Classification by density, binder and purpose. Characteristics and application

Selecting the appropriate cement mortar for wall finishing is essential to producing a smooth and long-lasting surface. Ready-made finishing heavy cement mortars are a well-liked option because of their dependability and simplicity of use. These pre-mixed solutions are perfect for both professionals and do-it-yourselfers because they guarantee consistency and save time.

It is crucial to comprehend these mortars’ compositions in order to choose the best product for your unique requirements. Typically, they are made of cement, sand, and additives to improve adhesion and workability. But not every mortar made of heavy cement is created equal. They can be categorized according to their density, type of binder, and intended use, all of which have an impact on how well they work and perform.

This post will walk you through the different kinds of pre-made finishing heavy cement mortars, outlining their salient features and providing application tips. Knowing what to look for will help you get the best results whether you’re planning to add a protective layer to an exterior surface or smooth out interior walls.

Category Description
Composition Heavy cement mortars are typically composed of cement, sand, water, and additives that enhance workability and durability.
Classification by Density These mortars are classified as heavy due to their high density, which provides robust strength and stability in construction.
Binder The primary binder used is cement, which acts as the glue that holds the mortar together and gives it strength.
Purpose Heavy cement mortars are used for finishing walls where high strength and durability are required, especially in load-bearing structures.
Characteristics They are known for their excellent bonding properties, resistance to moisture, and long-lasting durability.
Application These mortars are commonly applied in external and internal wall finishing to provide a smooth, strong surface that can withstand environmental stresses.

What does cement mortar consist of

Construction mortar is a unique blend of various ingredients that is utilized to firmly join structural components, complete and waterproof projects, and fill in technological gaps to form a single, monolithic block. The mixture’s compositional components, which give it unique physical properties, determine its price.

Cement typically serves as a connecting element between the various parts of the solution. These materials may consist of pumice chips, sand, or expanded clay. A building mixture with the necessary consistency and mobility is formed after the addition of water and a binding element that lessens friction between the particles of other components.

Classification of solutions

Building solutions are categorized based on their functionalities, application techniques, and physical attributes.

For every kind of job,

  • density in a dry state;
  • type of binder;
  • purpose;
  • physical and mechanical properties.

By density in a dry state

  • light (density below 1500 kg/m3);
  • heavy (density over 1500 kg/m3).

By type of binder

  • cement, mixed with various types of Portland cement;

Strong cement composition.

  • lime, made with hydraulic or air lime;
  • gypsum;

  • Angidritic, are a mixture of cement with lime.

Gypsum mixture with angridritis.

By purpose

  • pantry, for laying brick, stone and other structures;

Brick pantry.

  • finishing – the solution is finished finishing heavy chaoster 1: 3 or 1: 2, used for plastering and modeling decorative elements of the building; (Cm. Also article decorative stucco from putty: features of work.)
  • special, with non -standard properties for specific work (photo).

Specialized concoction to waterproof foundations.

The strength of cement and its resistance to frost are considered based on mechanical and physical indicators, as these attributes define its longevity.

Prefabricated finishing Heavy cement mortars provide a dependable and long-lasting wall finishing solution, making them indispensable building materials. These mortars are made up of cement, sand, and different additives that improve their performance according to the density, kind of binder, and application. In order to satisfy various construction requirements, whether for exterior or interior walls, they are categorized based on these factors. A robust and long-lasting finish can be achieved by selecting the appropriate mortar for each unique project by being aware of its composition, qualities, and application.

Characteristics and application

Depending on the intended use, every composition needs to have a few unique qualities in order to be used for that purpose. For instance, workers use a liquid mixture containing a lot of water to fill structural voids or shallow foundations. This allows the mixture to spread and level out under its own weight while simultaneously penetrating into all the tiny holes.

Important: Ready-made finishing heavy cement mortar 1:2 has a pasty consistency and is not suitable for filling voids; it is used for plastering surfaces and straightening structural irregularities.

A wall is covered with a ready-made heavy cement mixture that has a 1:2 cement to sand ratio.

Workers use high-strength cement of at least M400 grade when pouring a foundation by hand or doing bricklaying because it must sustain a lot of weight for an extended period of time. For finishing work, however, they use grade M300 and lower because special strength is not needed in this situation. As we can see, various cement types with varying components and proportions are used for various types of work.

For foundation pouring, use M 400 high-strength concrete.

Mortar for finishing work

Finishing mixtures are used by plasterers to smooth the surface and remove any irregularities that were permitted during the construction of a building or any of its individual parts. After windows are installed or replaced, or after creating your own handcrafted decorative elements for the inside or outside of the building, plaster is also utilized to cultivate slopes.

Crucial! It is crucial for this kind of work that the composition is mobile and does not dry out over time. This is crucial for accurate layer correction and grinding. Since they are made from different binders, finishing solutions intended for use inside and outside the building must have distinct properties.

The following compositions are utilized for outside work:

  • cement;
  • lime;

Utilizing lime mortar for finishing.

  • cement-lime.

When working internally, utilize:

  • gypsum;
  • lime-gypsum.

Should a composition with an ornamental gloss be needed, the preparation guidelines call for extra ingredients like crushed glass or mica.

Glossy decorative plaster.

Special colored cement or ordinary cement that has had the necessary amount of dye added to it is used to prepare decorative plaster. Additionally, quartz sand, crushed marble, granite, tuff, limestone, dolomite, and a variety of other colored rocks can be used to make decorative plaster.

Special pigments of artificial or natural origin can be used to color finishing compounds; however, they must meet GOST requirements for light and alkalis resistance.

Iron red lead, ocher, ultramarine, and chromium oxide are examples of such dyes. You can make decorative plaster yourself by experimenting with different ingredients and dyes to get a custom shade and texture.

For wall finishing projects, pre-made finishing heavy cement mortars are a useful and effective option. Their composition guarantees that they satisfy a variety of construction needs, from structural reinforcement to aesthetically pleasing finishing. It is customized to a particular density, binder types, and application purposes.

These mortars are simple to use, resulting in consistent quality and time and effort savings. Knowing their classification and features will help you choose the best product for your project, guaranteeing longevity and a polished appearance.

Using heavy cement mortar during construction not only makes walls stronger and look better, but it also makes the structure last longer in general.

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Veronica Gerasimova

Interior designer, author of books on the design of residential premises. I will help you make your home not only functional, but also beautiful.

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