Plastering falcon: purpose and types, work technology, throwing mortar and spreading with a falcon

The correct tools are essential for plastering because they can create an even and smooth surface. One such instrument that is frequently overlooked but is very important is the plastering falcon. Plastering can be done more quickly and effectively by using this portable tool, which is made to hold and spread mortar.

Plastering falcons come in a variety of varieties, each ideal for a particular use or set of requirements. Whether you’re a professional or a do-it-yourself enthusiast, knowing these options will help you select the ideal tool for your requirements.

Plastering with a falcon requires skill, particularly when it comes to evenly dispersing the mortar after it has been thrown onto the wall. Plastering with a falcon is an art that can be mastered with practice and the correct technique, giving any surface a high-quality finish.

Aspect Description
Purpose of Plastering Falcon A tool used to hold and transfer mortar for easy application to surfaces.
Types of Plastering Falcons Wooden falcons, aluminum falcons, and plastic falcons, each with its own advantages based on weight and durability.
Work Technology Involves holding the falcon with one hand while applying mortar with a trowel using the other hand.
Throwing Mortar Mortar is scooped from the falcon and thrown onto the wall in a controlled manner.
Spreading with Falcon After the mortar is thrown, the falcon helps in spreading and smoothing it evenly across the surface.

Purpose and types of tools

  • As you know, everything ingenious is simple, so the falcon is designed in an elementary way, it is a square plate equipped with a handle at the bottom. A reasonable amount of mortar is applied to the plane for further application to the wall with a trowel or spatula. You can apply it directly with the falcon itself, but more on that later.
  • Thanks to this approach, builders do not have to constantly drag heavy containers with mortar around with them, in addition, there is no need to constantly bend over in order to scoop up another portion of mortar. This device is especially convenient when access to the work site is difficult or you need to apply small strokes, here it is used as a palette.

Types of tools

This tool has been around since humans first learned how to plaster objects, and as civilization advanced, so did the materials needed to make it.

At the moment, GOST 25010-81 governs the falcon’s specifications.

  • Until recently, a tool with a wooden platform was considered classic. For its manufacture, a tongue-and-groove board about 15 mm thick is used. Modern lining is perfect, the tongue-and-groove connection serves as a stiffener. The platform is assembled on the basis of 2 wooden dowels, it can be fixed with nails or screws, but it is necessary to countersink.
  • The handle is attached using a double tenon and additionally fixed with a nail. The double tenon of the handle, as well as the fixing screws, should not protrude above the working surface. The surface is sanded, the edges of the plane are rounded.
  • But the wooden tool has significant disadvantages. Firstly, it is not durable. Secondly, when it dries out, it can become deformed. And the most unpleasant thing is that the wood, during the work, is saturated with water and becomes heavy.

  • A tool with metal platforms has proven itself well. They are made of aluminum or other light alloys, are lightweight, durable and long-lasting. The only downside here is that they do not have a stop for the trowel, which makes them inconvenient to use for smoothing.
  • A separate niche is occupied by round falcons with plate-shaped sides. They are also made of sheet metal, but can be used exclusively as a supporting platform for the solution. The advantage here is their increased capacity and the ability to work with liquid compositions. Such platforms can hold up to 3 liters of solution, while traditional ones hold about 0.5 liters.
  • A real revolution in this niche was the appearance of plastic products on the market. Hard, impact-resistant plastic is quite strong, lightweight and durable. The upper, working plane is perfectly flat, on the lower side, in addition to the handle, there are stiffener ribs for the stopping of the cell.
  • Falcon for plastering from polyurethane, except for all of the above advantages of plastic, is also characterized by high elasticity, which is very convenient when grouting or smoothing the surface.

Polymer-based instrument.

  • If we talk about the construction tool from foam, then here the main advantages are low price and lightness. The rest of the foam products are very fragile, as a rule, they are used for a one -time use.

The plastering falcon is a multipurpose instrument that is necessary for wall finishing to produce even, smooth surfaces. This article examines its use, the various varieties that are accessible, and the labor-intensive methods that are involved—including the use of a falcon to spread and toss mortar. Plastering projects will be completed effectively and professionally if the proper techniques are used.

Work technology

Even though the tool is a simple device, you still need to use it.

You should be aware of several key moments in order to understand the quick development of this technique.

Strikes the ceiling hard.

  • First of all, the falcon takes into the left hand, so that one of its edge rests on the forearm, it is much easier to hold. A blade or trowel is taken in the right. Approaching the container with the solution, the right leg should be closer, the main body weight is transferred to it, the left leg will remain slightly behind.
  • The edge of the platform rests on the container with the solution, the opposite side, lying on the hand, should be slightly raised, by about 10 cm. This position of the tool is the most optimal, since excess moisture will immediately flow back.
  • The solution is applied in portions, in the direction away from you. After the platform is filled, it needs to be straightened, that is, remove excess mass from the edges.

Throwing the solution

  • Having applied the plaster mass to the platform, the worker approaches the wall and stands at an angle to the surface. The solution is removed from the plane with a trowel in the direction away from you and in the same way thrown with strong, sweeping movements onto the wall.
  • If finishing work is carried out on the ceiling, then it is more convenient to hold the tool at shoulder level or at head level. But in any case, you need to try to keep the site directly under the place of processing, so by chance the fallen mass will fall again on the falcon.

Advice: When throwing onto the ceiling, angle the throw so that it is directed away from you. Splashes or extra solution won’t land on your head when using this technique.

Hurling against the wall.

The idea behind working with a falcon is demonstrated in detail in the article’s video.

Smearing with a falcon

Experienced finishers love this method because it makes the work go much faster and gives you a surface that’s ready for finishing right away.

Note: this is how the ceiling and walls are finished. Primer solutions and covering compositions are applicable. However, spraying is not done using this technique.

  • The instructions are quite simple, you also apply the mass to the working surface of the tool with your own hands. In this case, the tool is always held in your left hand. Apply the lower edge of the falcon to the wall, leaving a gap equal to the thickness of the plaster layer and fix the tool from the bottom with a trowel.
  • The trowel rests against the key or stiffener on the back of the tool. It should be directed away from you so that in case of a slip, you do not get hurt. A metal falcon is not very suitable for such actions, since it does not have stiffeners.
  • After this, the falcon for plastering should be moved along the plane of the wall from the bottom up. The key point here is precisely the fixation of the tool from below, since the thickness of the layer application depends on it. If the pressure is not stable, the surface will turn out wavy.
  • The mass is applied to the ceiling in a similar way, but a little less solution should be collected so that it does not slide down the plane. Plus, the tool should be moved towards you.

The falcon’s method of dispersing.

An indispensable tool for any plasterer’s toolkit is the plastering falcon. Because of its function and design, it is an essential component of the plastering process that allows for the smoother and more effective application of mortar. When it comes to spreading or throwing mortar, the falcon offers the control and accuracy required to produce a perfect finish.

There are various varieties of falcons, and each is best suited to particular purposes and tastes. By selecting the appropriate tool for the task, one can ensure improved outcomes and a more comfortable working environment by being aware of the subtle differences between these variations.

It takes practice to become proficient with a plastering falcon, but the quality of the finished product is worth it. A smoother and more even plastered surface results from the much more controlled and efficient spreading and throwing of mortar.

Plastering projects with the falcon in mind not only increases productivity but also improves the overall quality of your work. With the correct training and understanding, this instrument can greatly improve the caliber of your work.

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Dmitry Stepanov

Professional decorator with 10 years of experience. I know everything about renovating apartments, houses and offices. I will be happy to share my knowledge and experience with you.

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