Painting the lining: types and methods

Enhancing the look and longevity of wooden surfaces can be achieved by painting the lining. The correct paint and technique can make a big difference, whether you want to protect exterior wood from the elements or update the interior design of your home.

For lining, a variety of paint types are available, each with their own advantages. The best option for your needs and the environment in which the lining will be used will determine which of the oil- and water-based options is best.

For a smooth, durable finish, the application technique is just as important as the paint choice. To achieve the best results, different painting techniques can be used, depending on the type of lining and the desired outcome.

Enhancing the look and longevity of wooden surfaces can be accomplished practically by painting the lining. This article examines the many paint kinds that work well for lining as well as effective application techniques. Knowing your options will help you get the best results, whether you’re looking to protect your exterior woodwork or update the look of your interior.

Execution of work

In essence, the cost of painting the lining per square meter is the same as the cost of the material. Therefore, it is best to handle everything yourself to avoid paying a steep price. This idea should guide the painting of railroad cars and other wooden goods.

Preparation of material

Preparing the base plane is the first step in painting the lining, white or any other color. This will determine the coating’s longevity and appearance.

There are two ways to arrange the foundation material:

  • Mechanically. The annoying coating can be removed with a scraper, a metal brush, a building hair dryer or a spatula (see. How to remove paint from wood: do it according to the rules). First, the boards are treated with a soda solution. After which other construction tools are used. The downside of this option is the possibility of damaging the lamella. It is recommended to use it to remove oil paint.
  • With chemicals. Synthetic solutions, washes and softeners are used to cause peeling of the coating. This method is very dangerous, so it is necessary to work with chemical compounds with extreme caution in a ventilated room, using appropriate protective equipment. When the varnish or paint is removed from the lamellas, they need to be washed or wiped with white spirit.

Users have observed that you only need to give it a light sanding if the previous layer of paint is still firmly in place. A fresh layer is then applied.

Greater care is given to the area if there is deep but minor damage. Putty is used to seal deep cracks if necessary (see. Materials, tools, and process technology for putty wood. Next, coat the entire area that the lining was selected for with paint after applying a layer of paint.

How to prime

Applying the product requires either a brush or a spray.

Painting first and priming afterwards offers several benefits.

  • Improved adhesion properties, that is, the subsequent layer of paint or varnish with wood will occur quickly;
  • Wood is protected from the swelling process;
  • The pores are filled, so the finishing coat is applied evenly;
  • The consumption of the decorative layer is reduced several times.

Resin can be secreted by certain wood species for up to ten years. A specific type of primer is available that has the ability to seal the pores (refer to Wood primer selection guidelines).

Types of primer for lining

Primer is separated based on the parts:

  • Acrylic substance. Ideal for interior work, since it is not able to protect against rust and decay.
  • Alkyd substance. Can be used for interior and exterior work, because it is designed for specific types of wood.
  • Polystyrene substance. Due to the high degree of toxicity, they are used only for exterior finishing.

Homemade primers

  • With the addition of PVA glue (The solution is very popular among many users. To prevent unprimed areas from appearing after drying, it is necessary to apply it twice. There is a minus of the method – the appearance of a white coating on the wooden surface and slight concealment of the wood structure.);
  • With the use of gelatin (Food gelatin is perfect for creating a priming solution. To prepare the composition, you will need to dissolve it in cold water in a ratio of 1 to 2, after which the mixture is placed in a water bath until the granules dissolve. The lining must be coated in two layers after the mixture has cooled.).

Use of drying oil. The substance alters the color of the wood and makes it sticky. The wooden surface shouldn’t get a film of primer on it.

How and what to protect wood with

Wood can only be considered durable if it is shielded from outside factors. Moreover, this must be done in any event.

  • Use of antiseptics. This chemical has an antifungal effect. They are designed to protect against fungus and beetles. It is recommended to apply the antiseptic before starting installation work, since parts with the back side require protection.
  • Use of Fire Retardants. The main property of the compositions is a protective effect against fire. It is worth considering that the decorative coating should increase the degree of fire resistance of the wooden product.

Note: After drying, protective solutions are not visible. Their quick entry into the pores of wood is an advantage.

Many manufacturers use protective agents during the sale preparation process because it’s crucial to protect products. Not only is grade and humidity indicative of the lining’s quality, but a protective coating is as well.

The regular material and the Euro material are different in this way. Since the ends of the lamellas won’t be painted after installation, it is advised to apply primer to all sides.

What kind of coating is suitable for the lining

The final coating has a significant impact on the product’s safety, so careful consideration should be given to its selection. First things first: what kind of work needs to be done, internal or external, what the end goal is, how much the product will cost, when it needs to be done, etc.

  • The color of the paint changes over a long period of time. It has a pungent odor that disappears in a short period of time, and dries quickly. This decorative coating can be updated from year to year.
  • Five years should pass after the first update. The surface needs to be painted to eliminate small cracks, due to which moisture penetrates, and to add shine.

It is important to keep in mind that the oil paint will dry with a slightly lighter surface when selecting an oil paint. Taking a product with a dark color is advised.


The cost of the materials will determine how much it will cost to varnish the lining. Avoid going cheap or you will sacrifice quality.

Following these suggestions will help you process the lining in a high-quality manner and increase its service life.

  • It is recommended to stir the paint often during the process, since the color of the coating may become uneven;
  • First, you should do a test painting to understand whether the desired color will be obtained in the end;
  • It is recommended to paint with a brush, in order to avoid an uneven shade, do not get carried away with thick layers;
  • During the painting process, you may need sheepskin gloves (panels may alternate with metal elements; it is very difficult to paint pipes, because one side lies on the ground; in this case, the glove is turned inside out with the fur on the outside, put on the hand, dipped in paint and used as a brush; within one minute, you can coat pipes five meters long);
  • It is recommended to tint the primer with a color that best matches the color of the upcoming paint and varnish coating;
  • Painting must be done in an environment that avoids direct sunlight, as the paint dries very quickly (it is better to avoid finishing work in hot weather and during precipitation; warm weather without wind has become the ideal option);
  • The ends of the panels must be carefully processed, because they are the weakest points through which water penetrates into the wood in a short time, they must be thoroughly coated with primer and paint and varnish material in several layers;
  • When painting the facade of a building (see. How to paint a house outside with your own hands) it is worth considering that if there are no gross structural defects on the lining, then it can be painted a second time in any color (while adhering to certain rules – the same material is used for secondary painting as the first time; the type of paint is determined visually; acrylate paint cracks in the direction of the wood grain and has a leathery surface, such material can be torn off and made into a tube that should not break; oil-based paint will not withstand such an experiment; antiseptics have a glossy film, the surface with it must be covered with the same or oil paint.
Type of Paint Method
Acrylic Paint Apply with a brush or roller in thin layers for even coverage.
Oil-Based Paint Use a brush to apply, allowing ample drying time between coats.
Stain Brush or rag on the stain, then wipe off excess for a natural finish.
Varnish Apply with a brush in smooth, even strokes, allowing time to dry between layers.

Painting the lining will add durability and beauty to your space while also serving as a useful way to protect and rejuvenate the surface. You can achieve different finishes that fit your aesthetic preferences and the unique requirements of your home with the range of paint types and application techniques available.

The finished product can be customized to fit the surroundings where the lining is installed, regardless of whether you decide to use water-based paints for ease of use or oil-based paints for their rich finish. Painting on a surface that has been properly primed and cleaned will guarantee that the paint sticks well and lasts longer.

You can change the way your lining looks and keep it safe from damage by choosing the paint type and application technique that work best for your project. This procedure prolongs the life of the lining itself in addition to improving the space’s appearance.

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Dmitry Stepanov

Professional decorator with 10 years of experience. I know everything about renovating apartments, houses and offices. I will be happy to share my knowledge and experience with you.

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