Materials for exterior finishing: CSP, OSB, plywood, cement-sand and decorative plaster, wall panels, piece coatings

The selection of materials for exterior finishing greatly influences the longevity, aesthetic appeal, and general functionality of your walls. Making the right choice for your project can be aided by knowing the various options available, whether you’re building a new structure or remodeling an existing one.

There are many different types of exterior finishing materials available, ranging from more conventional options like plywood to structural boards like CSP (Cemented Strand Board) and OSB (Oriented Strand Board). Because each material has unique properties, it can be used in a variety of settings and for a range of purposes as well as aesthetic tastes and climates.

Plasters such as cement-sand and decorative plaster, in addition to boards, provide a flexible means of safeguarding and enhancing walls. Another inventive way to give the outside of your house or building texture and character is by using wall panels and piece coatings.

The primary choices for exterior finishing materials will be covered in this article, along with their advantages and disadvantages, to help you choose wisely for your upcoming project.

Types of materials

There is a wide selection of finishing materials available today for outdoor projects. All of them, though, can be categorized into a few primary kinds:

Type of material Features
Sheet Sheet materials include chipboard, wood-fiber boards, plywood, etc.
Wet Wet plaster solutions are called wet, and they are divided into two types:
  • rough plaster – is a cement-sand mortar that is applied to the walls to level them;
  • decorative plaster – is a decorative finishing coating that gives walls a certain texture.

Each of these materials serves a specific function. As a result, we will also think about the circumstances in which certain coatings are applied and familiarize ourselves with their characteristics.

Sheet materials

In frame construction, sheet materials are used as cladding. They serve as something of a rough coating, basically, and then decorative finishing is applied.

These materials are typically made from veneer, fiber, or wood chips. As a result, various types have different properties.


In our nation, cement-bonded particle boards are among the most widely used finishing materials. Cement, or wood chips, are manufactured with the addition of a mineral astringent.

The material gains the following characteristics as a result of this composition:

  • fire resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to decay and other biological influences;
  • resistance to moisture.

Furthermore, since these boards don’t contain asbestos, they are made of a material that is friendly to the environment. These characteristics make CSP a great choice for rough facade finishing. It should be remembered, though, that this material is still somewhat susceptible to thermal expansion.

Completed facade using CSP

Therefore, more elastic materials rather than putty or cement should be used to fill the joints between the boards. Urethane sealants, for instance, are a wise choice.

There are also certain issues with the finishing. The easiest solution is to apply elastic decorative plaster to the boards, such as silicone or latex-based plaster. This does not, however, provide absolute assurance that a crack will not eventually develop somewhere on the wall.

Thus, using a "wet facade" is the best choice. The insulation will function as a damper in this situation. Additionally, you can use wooden planks to conceal the joints and decorate the house in a half-timbered style.

The thickness of the boards affects how much they cost. For instance, a sheet that is 3200 x 1250 mm in size and 1 cm thick costs roughly 800-900 rubles. A sheet costs roughly 1500–1600 rubles, but it is 16 mm thick.


A board composed of oriented, long-sized chips is called OSB material. Chips (strands) are assembled by pressing and adhering. An elastic and incredibly durable material is produced by a unique technique for laying the strands and a unique glue method.

Specifically, because of the long chips, OSB is the only chipboard where the wood filler bears the weight of the screws and fasteners rather than the binder.

Furthermore, the following are some benefits of the material:

  • good moisture resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • high tensile and bending strength;
  • easy processing.

OSB boards covering the walls

These factors contributed to the rapid rise in popularity of OSB boards in frame construction. They are a great option, especially if "curtain wall" technology is going to be used to finish the walls. Next, we’ll examine this finishing technique in more detail.

The cost of the material is between 450 and 500 rubles for a sheet that is 9x1250x2500 mm in size.

Plywood resistant to moisture FSF


Another common material used in frame construction is plywood, which is created by adhering multiple veneer layers together. High strength is one of the characteristics of plywood sheets. They even outperform OSB sheets in this indicator.

But keep in mind that only plywood that can withstand moisture is appropriate for outdoor work; examples of such plywood are the FSF or FB brands. These materials can withstand a variety of atmospheric influences in addition to moisture contact.

A FSF 09x2440x1220 sheet of plywood costs roughly 500 rubles. 21 x 1220 x 2440 mm, a thicker sheet, costs roughly 1450–1500 rubles. Even more resilient to moisture is bakelite plywood, which costs roughly 1,600 rubles for each 1220x2440x18 mm sheet.

Plastering with cement and sand



Rough cement-sand plaster is among the most traditional techniques for wall leveling.

Nonetheless, the following benefits mean that this information is still relevant today:

  • cheapness – a bag of plaster mix weighing 25 kg costs about 250 – 300 kg. As for consumption, it depends from the quality of the walls. On average, this figure is several kilograms per square meter;
  • the coating is environmentally friendly and vapor-permeable;
  • the plaster decoration of the house is very durable, which allows using fairly heavy piece materials as a finishing coat;
  • it is possible to finish surfaces of complex shapes.

However, plaster also has a number of drawbacks, including:

  • the finish is short-lived, compared to other finishing materials – about 10-15 years;
  • the thickness of the plaster layer should not exceed 8 cm;
  • plastering work is quite labor-intensive and "dirty", so its cost is quite high – from 300-500 rubles per square meter. The cost of finishing slopes, as well as walls of complex shapes is even higher – about 700-800 rubles per square meter;
  • plastering work can only be done at positive temperatures;
  • the instructions must be strictly followed during the work, otherwise the coating may begin to peel off, in addition, mold may appear on the walls.

It should be mentioned that cement-sand plaster has two uses: as a finish and as a black. The "fur coat" finishing in particular is well-liked. It is achieved by mechanically spraying cement-sand mortar onto the walls.

An illustration of decorative plaster’s texture


Unlike rough plaster, decorative plaster is thinly applied to the surface. Grain content causes the material to take on a specific texture on the walls when it is applied.

In addition to being utilized in the "wet facade" system, decorative plasters can be applied to rough cement-sand plaster. In this instance, the walls are first pre-pasted with a heat insulator, then strengthened with a fiberglass mesh, and finally finished with an ornamental composition.

This coating offers a number of benefits.

  • attractive appearance;
  • easy to apply;
  • Affordable cost – depending on the type of decorative plaster and the manufacturer, the cost of a bag with a volume of 25 kg is in the range of 300 – 3000 rubles. Since the coating is applied in a thin layer, even the most expensive plaster is cheaper than "dry" finishing materials.

A facade with ornamental plaster finishing

Among the coating’s drawbacks are:

  • short-lived – cheap types of compositions are designed for 5 years, the service life of more expensive plasters can reach 10-15 years;
  • application of decorative plaster refers to wet work, accordingly, it can also be applied only at positive temperatures.

It must be acknowledged that the type of binder used affects the coating’s strength and longevity. The best compositions are those based on polymers, such as silicone, latex, and acrylic.

Furthermore, it is advisable to buy goods from reputable manufacturers; in our nation, the following brands have shown themselves to be reliable and successful:

  • Ceresit (Belgium / Russia);
  • Knauf (Germany);
  • Kreisel (Germany);
  • Osnovit (Russia), etc.

Ventilated facade apparatus

It’s crucial to strike a balance between practicality, beauty, and durability when selecting materials for exterior finishing. Depending on the requirements of your project, materials like Cement-Sand Plaster (CSP), Oriented Strand Board (OSB), plywood, decorative plaster, wall panels, and piece coatings each have special advantages. Making decisions that improve the appearance and durability of your external surfaces can be made easier if you are aware of the benefits and drawbacks of these materials.

Panel coverings

Recently, decorative panels have gained a lot of popularity. They are employed in the installation of a ventilated curtain wall facade. Its basic idea is that the panels are fastened to a frame composed of wooden slats or aluminum profile rather than the walls directly.

Waterproofing and heat insulators are typically installed in the space between the insulation and the walls. There are numerous benefits to this technology:

  • easy installation, so you can do the work yourself, and the complexity of this process does not depend on the quality and evenness of the walls. As for the cost of installation work, they are within the range of 300 – 700 rubles per square meter, depending on the type of material being installed and the features of the facade;
  • installation can be done at any time of the year;
  • There is a large assortment of decorative panels on sale, with a wide variety of designs;
  • the durability of the curtain wall is higher than that of plaster – on average 30-50 years;
  • under the skin you can hide not only insulation, but also communications.

As we’ll see below, performance is obviously heavily influenced by the kind of decorative panels.

Alta-Profile vinyl siding

Vinyl siding

With good reason, vinyl siding is the most widely used kind of decorative paneling. This is mainly because of how inexpensive it is. Here are some manufacturers’ siding prices as an example:

  • Mitten (Canada) ~ 300 – 800 rub. m 2;
  • Grand Line (England) ~ 190 – 500 rub. m 2;
  • Alta-Profile (Russia) ~ 220 – 490 rub. m 2;
  • YU-PLAST ~ 185 RUR. m 2 .

Of course, this coating’s benefits go beyond its affordability and include the following attributes:

  • resistance to biological influences;
  • resistance to moisture and other atmospheric influences;
  • good durability – 30-50 years, in depending on the model;
  • easy to maintain – the facade can be periodically washed with a hose.

One of the material’s drawbacks is its brittleness, particularly in cold temperatures. As a result, the panels easily crack when installed incorrectly or when subjected to impact loads. Furthermore, it should be considered that the coating is very prone to thermal expansion during the fastening process.

Counseling! A two-layer (coexcusion) vinyl siding model is the better option when selecting siding. This kind of material lasts longer and is more resilient.

Beneath a tree, metal siding

Metal siding

Plastic panels can be substituted with metal ones. They have the following benefits in addition to being more resilient:

  • can reliably imitate wooden coverings – clapboard, block house or timber;
  • resistant to moisture and all kinds of atmospheric influences;
  • not susceptible to biological influences;
  • durability is up to 50 years.

This material is formed from steel or aluminum sheets that have been galvanized and then coated with polymer compounds. It should be noted that aluminum panels are more durable due to their resistance to corrosion, so it is preferable to choose them.

Metal siding doesn’t cost significantly more than vinyl siding:

  • Corus Group (Britain/Holland) – 350-450 rubles. m2;
  • AMK-Group (Russia) ~ 490 rubles. m2;
  • MP-SK (Russia) ~ 300 rubles. m2;

One drawback of metal siding is that it makes noise when it rains. It is preferable to use the material in conjunction with thermal insulation because of its high thermal conductivity.

For natural stone, cement siding


Cement panels are made using a mineral binder, as one might infer from the name. The composition is strengthened by the addition of cellulose.

This material can accurately mimic the appearance of stone, wood, and other natural coatings. Additional benefits consist of:

  • fire safety;
  • frost resistance;
  • durability – up to 50 years;
  • wide range of designs;
  • good soundproofing qualities.

But the panels also have a number of drawbacks at the same time:

  • they are a brittle material, so they do not withstand impact loads well;
  • are difficult to process – a grinder must be used for cutting;
  • are subject to deformation due to hygroscopicity, as a result of which the joints of the panels become noticeable over time.

Concrete block cladding beneath a tree

The exorbitant expense of cement siding is another drawback. The costs for panels from a few manufacturers are listed below:

  • Vilka (Belgium) ~ 650 – 800 rubles. m2;
  • Cedral (Russia) ~ 800 – 1100 rubles. m2;
  • Eternit (Belgium) ~ 900-1100 rubles. m 2 .

As a result, vinyl and metal panels are more common than fiber cement panels.

Natural stone beneath basement siding

Basement siding

Plastic panels used for basement siding are composed of stronger polymers than PVC. They can mimic the look of stone, brick, tiles, etc.

The only difference between the performance characteristics and vinyl panels is the material’s greater longevity, visual appeal, and durability.

The expensive cost of basement siding is one of its drawbacks.

  • Nailite (USA) – 1450 – 2750 rubles. m2;
  • Alta-Profil (Russia) – 400- 1200 rubles. m2;
  • VOX (Poland) – 400 – 800 rubles. m2 .

For finishing facades, thermal panels

Thermal panels

Let’s finally talk about a particular kind of decorative panel: thermal panels. There are two layers to this material:

  • base – is a heat insulator made of polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam;
  • decorative/protective coating – most often this is clinker or porcelain tiles.

The material’s primary benefit is that it combines decorative coating and heat insulation. Furthermore, it is very strong; the manufacturers claim that it can endure for more than 50 years.

One drawback that can be mentioned is that thermal panels typically have a maximum thickness of 50 mm. For the building to have complete thermal insulation, this isn’t always sufficient.

It must be acknowledged that the idea behind this combination of materials was to save.

Nevertheless, as shown by the costs listed below for panels made with clinker tiles, it is not actually inexpensive.

  • Termopan (Russia) ~1200 rubles. m2;
  • Termosit (Russia) ~1700 rubles. m2;
  • D.W. Klinker (Germany) ~ 1800-3000 rubles. m 2 .

Actually, these are the current most popular varieties of decorative panels.

Facing a brick-fronted wooden house

Piece coverings


Facing brick is one of the most popular kinds of piece materials for exterior finishing. It has numerous benefits, including:

  • strength;
  • attractive appearance – with its help you can give a presentable and solid look to any building;
  • There is a large selection of colors on sale;
  • brick always looks stylish and fashionable.

Of course, brick has disadvantages just like any other exterior finishing material.

  • heavy weight, therefore, for the construction of facing masonry, a foundation is required;
  • the cost of facing bricks is relatively high – from 500-600 rubles per square meter;
  • complexity of installation – to perform facing masonry, you must have experience. As for the cost of masonry, it is ~400-500 rubles per square meter.

Brick is not always a good choice for finishing, for this reason. On the other hand, this is the best option if the facade needs to be given strength—for instance, in the case of frame construction.

Completed facade made of clinker tiles

Clinker tiles

Clinker tiles are a good option if you want to give the facade walls the appearance of brickwork. Because of its relative light weight, this material doesn’t need the foundation to be reinforced. The only requirement is that uneven walls require plastering before anything else.

It is important to note that the tiles perform well in addition to having a lovely appearance:

  • the manufacturer"s warranty is often 100 years, so it is not afraid of any atmospheric influences;
  • the material is quite durable, so a facade finished in this way can withstand mechanical loads well;
  • a large selection of colors is available for sale.

Cerrad clinker tiles

Naturally, the price of the tiles is very high:

  • Cerrad (Poland) ~ 850-900 rubles. m2;
  • ABS-Klinkergruppe (Germany) – 990 rubles. m2;
  • Feldhaus Klinke (Germany) – 1,590 – 4,200 rubles. m2;

You can purchase inexpensive tiles from lesser-known domestic producers; they typically cost 600 rubles per square meter. It should be remembered, though, that the cost of the installation work ranges from 1000 to 1200 rubles per square meter.

Block house completed facade

Wooden coverings

Wooden coverings are another type of piece material that includes:

  • lining;
  • imitation timber;
  • block house;
  • planken.

The profiles and sizes of each of these materials vary first. They share the same operational characteristics, though. Among the benefits, the following can be mentioned:

  • environmental friendliness and vapor permeability;
  • good heat and sound insulation qualities;
  • easy installation;
  • attractive appearance.

The image shows a clapboard-finished house.

However, wooden coverings are not very practical, and this is linked to the following drawbacks:

  • susceptibility to biological influences;
  • susceptibility to moisture;
  • the need for periodic maintenance.

Regarding price, a lot depends on the kind of wood. For instance, pine or spruce Euro lining costs roughly 220-250 rubles. m 2. About twice as much is spent on the same material composed of larch, which is renowned for its resilience to biological influences and moisture.

Therefore, if your goal is to make your home as environmentally friendly as possible or if your house is made of wood and you want to maintain its natural beauty, using wood as decoration makes sense.

Stone-finished exterior


We suggest natural stone for those looking to add a unique and impactful touch to their home decor. In addition to being incredibly elegant, this material is strong and nearly indestructible.

Stone does, however, have certain drawbacks:

  • as a result of its large weight, it creates a significant load on the walls and foundation of the building. Therefore, it should not be used for frame buildings. For ordinary houses, a reinforced foundation should be provided;
  • the cost of natural stone is very high, especially for such species as marble and granite. The price of the latter is 3,600 – 4,000 rubles per square meter. The cost of installation work starts from 600-700 rubles per square meter.

Counseling! You can use its artificial decorative equivalent to save money on stone. But compared to natural materials, such materials are far less durable.

Stone should therefore only be used to clad the house’s individual elements, such as the basement, window openings, corners, etc., rather than the entire exterior. It should be mentioned that stone complements all natural finishing treatments nicely. Therefore, compatibility issues are typically nonexistent.

Actually, all of the most widely used finishing supplies for outdoor projects are listed here.

Material Description
CSP (Cement-bonded particleboard) A durable and moisture-resistant board made from wood particles and cement, commonly used for exterior walls and facades.
OSB (Oriented strand board) A strong and versatile engineered wood product, often used for sheathing and exterior walls.
Plywood A multi-layered wood product known for its strength and flexibility, suitable for exterior cladding and roofing.
Cement-sand plaster A traditional plaster mix used for leveling and protecting exterior walls, providing a solid base for decorative finishes.
Decorative plaster A finishing material applied over base plaster, offering texture, color, and protection to exterior surfaces.
Wall panels Pre-fabricated panels used for quick and easy exterior wall finishing, available in various materials like metal, vinyl, or fiber cement.
Piece coatings Individual elements like bricks or tiles used to create a durable and aesthetically pleasing exterior finish.

Selecting the appropriate materials for exterior finishing is essential for your building’s longevity and visual appeal. Every choice, be it OSB, plywood, CSP, or another, has advantages and disadvantages that are particular to it. The particular requirements of your project, such as the desired appearance, budget, and climate, should guide your decision.

Decorative plaster and cement-sand combine to provide a conventional, weather-resistant finish. Wall panels are a great option for modern designs because of their adaptability and simplicity of installation. Conversely, piece coatings can give your exterior a unique, customized look, but applying them might take more time and effort.

In the end, the optimal external finishing material is one that strikes a balance between form and function. You can choose a material that will improve the longevity and aesthetic appeal of your building by being aware of its features.

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Veronica Gerasimova

Interior designer, author of books on the design of residential premises. I will help you make your home not only functional, but also beautiful.

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