Is it possible to glue wallpaper on whitewashed walls and how to prepare the surface before pasting so that the finish lasts a long time

Although it may seem easy, adhering wallpaper to whitewashed walls has its own set of difficulties. It can be difficult for wallpaper to stick properly on whitewashed surfaces because they are frequently unstable and powdery. If proper preparation isn’t done, the wallpaper may start to peel off sooner than anticipated, which could cause frustration and additional work later on.

The good news is that you can successfully apply wallpaper over whitewashed walls and get a durable finish if you take the proper steps. To guarantee that the wallpaper has a strong base on which to adhere, the surface must be meticulously prepared.

We’ll guide you through the necessary steps before you begin wallpapering in the sections that follow. We’ll go over everything you need to know to achieve a seamless and long-lasting finish, from evaluating the state of the whitewashed wall to applying the required treatments.

It’s possible to apply wallpaper with adhesive on whitewashed walls, but some preparation is necessary to ensure durability. In order to ensure that the wallpaper adheres to the wall properly, it is important to clean the walls, remove any loose whitewash, and apply a primer or sealer. Your wallpaper can have a stunning appearance and last for many years with the correct setup.

How to prepare whitewashed walls for wallpapering?

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Quick cosmetic fixes sometimes lead to the issue of whitewashed walls. Liquid non-woven wallpaper won’t hold in principle, while heavy non-woven wallpaper will come off. It takes a long time and is messy work to simply wash it off. There is a way to get out of this predicament and do it well and sustainably.

Whitewash on walls: is it possible to glue wallpaper on top?

Wallpaper can theoretically be glued to whitewash, but it won’t hold up for very long. In order to take a chance, you should identify the kind of whitewash:

  1. The chalky surface leaves marks on the palm. It is better not to waste time, the material will quickly peel off from the wall.
  2. The lime coating is outwardly no different from the chalk. You can run your hand along the wall, if dust remains on your palm, you need to clean the surface. If your hand remains clean, you should stick a small sample. After 24 hours, pull the corner, if it does not come off, move on to all the walls.

Preparing whitewashed walls for wallpapering

First, remove any whitewash from the walls. You should cover the floor with newspapers or film and remove any furniture or cover it with polyethylene because the procedure is dirty. Next, begin the repair process:

  1. With a sponge soaked in warm water, go over the surface.
  2. Take a break to let the water soak in. Remove the whitewash with a spatula.
  3. Coat the walls with acrylic primer.
  4. Remove debris, wipe the window sills, wash the floor with water and vinegar.
  5. Ventilate the room.

Chalk putty is sometimes confused with whitewash. It is not required to remove it if it is applied to the walls properly.

How to wash off lime residues?

Clean water is used to remove lime whitewash, but this is a laborious process. Using specialized hardware store products or tried-and-true home remedies, you can expedite the process:

  • mix 4 tablespoons of baking soda and 3 tablespoons of grated laundry soap in 10 liters of warm water;
  • mix 10 liters of water, 400 grams of baking soda and 400 grams of salt;
  • dissolve 1 tablespoon of ammonia in 10 liters of water;
  • dilute 1 tablespoon of acetic acid and dishwashing detergent in 5 liters of warm water.

After ten minutes, the surface can be cleaned by misting it with the solution.

How to prime the walls?

For priming, no professional expertise is needed. As directed on the package, dilute the acrylic primer before using a paint roller to apply multiple coats to a level surface. One layer can take up to two days to dry completely; the subsequent layer is only applied once the previous layer has done so.

The shelves display a variety of brands. It is preferable to prioritize soil treated with an antiseptic. This will stop the growth of mold. Start wallpapering after priming.

In the event that the composition lacks an antiseptic (fungicide), you can add one to the primer by purchasing an additional water-soluble one.

Wallpaper gluing on the walls after whitewashing: Technique

You will need a roller, a glue basin, a pencil, a clerical knife, a roulette, and a dry rag or sponge for the glue process. Should the decision be made to apply glue over the whitewashing, be ready for the corners to come off the wall. How to lower the danger:

  1. Calculate the required number of rolls. You can use the calculator on the sites or make it yourself, given the height of the room, the perimeter of the room and the width of the roll. Take with a small reserve.
  2. Cross the canvas, it is better to add another 10 cm to the height.
  3. Remove unusual whitewashing.
  4. Clean the corners.
  5. Apply an acrylic primer of deep penetration.
  6. Dilute glue and cut the canvases.
  7. Pour paper wallpapers with glue and fold in the inside for five to eight minutes.
  8. Break the corners and top section of the wall with PVA glue.
  9. Start from the window in the direction of the light. Press the wallpaper strip to the wall with a dry cloth and smooth it out in a herringbone pattern: top to bottom, from the center to the edge. Remove excess with a knife along the floor line. Glue the material with an overlap of up to 4 mm, otherwise the edges will start to peel off after drying.

Which wallpaper is better to choose?

Whitewashed walls are only appropriate for light paper wallpaper.

Theoretically, non-woven wallpaper has a longer lifespan if specific wall glue is used in addition to the wallpaper strip.

You have to clean the surface completely before applying liquid wallpaper. The material will soon peel off the walls, stains will appear, or the color will completely change, so you won’t have to appreciate the beauty for long. In theory, they won’t stick to the surface when the wallpaper mixture is sprayed on. The whitewash will shift and ruin the wall’s texture if it is applied with a spatula or trowel.

Sticking wallpaper onto lime whitewash carries a significant risk. You can put more effort into mending the walls if you save time cleaning them. If the wallpaper is not durable with a chalk coating, the outcome with a lime coating will be uncertain. You should carefully approach the process and carefully glue the sheets if there are no other options. In this instance, there’s a good chance the updated renovation will satisfy you in the long run.

Question Answer
Can you glue wallpaper on whitewashed walls? It"s possible, but not recommended. Whitewash doesn"t provide a stable surface, which can cause the wallpaper to peel off.
How to prepare the surface? First, remove the whitewash by scrubbing it off or using a chemical remover. Then, clean the wall, apply a primer, and let it dry before pasting the wallpaper.

In conclusion, it is feasible to glue wallpaper to whitewashed walls, but careful planning is needed to guarantee the finish will last. Whitewash is not the best surface for wallpaper because it can be unstable and powdery, which can cause peeling over time and poor adhesion. But you can build a strong foundation for your wallpaper if you follow the correct procedures.

The first step is to rub your hand across the wall to see how strong the whitewash is. If the whitewash is easily removed, either removal or treatment is required. One way to achieve this is by giving the walls a thorough cleaning with water or by using a primer that evens out the surface. It’s imperative to fully remove any loose whitewash to prevent problems down the road.

To seal the wall, a high-quality primer should be applied after the surface has stabilized. This will facilitate the proper adhesion of the wallpaper adhesive. You can continue wallpapering as usual after the primer dries, secure in the knowledge that your meticulous preparation will help the wallpaper remain in place for many years to come.

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Veronica Gerasimova

Interior designer, author of books on the design of residential premises. I will help you make your home not only functional, but also beautiful.

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