Improved plaster

A smooth, long-lasting surface is essential for wall finishing. With enhanced materials and traditional plastering techniques, improved plaster offers a contemporary solution that performs better.

This kind of plaster is perfect for both new construction and renovation projects because it is made to offer a stronger bond, greater flexibility, and a finer finish. Better plaster can satisfy your needs, whether you’re going for a smooth, polished appearance or need something durable for high-traffic areas.

This post will discuss the advantages of upgraded plaster, its uses, and advice on how to use it in your house to get the best results.

Types of surface plastering

This kind of finishing can be done in three different ways: basic plaster, enhanced plaster, and superior plaster. Every choice has a distinct function.

Simple plastering is done in spaces like warehouses, garages, attics, utility rooms, and basements where the finish’s aesthetic appeal from the outside is unimportant.

Both for building facades and residential spaces, better plastering is done. In this instance, the most important thing is to choose the right finishing material because not all products are meant to be used outdoors.

Plastering is done to a high standard in order to perfectly level the building base. For cultural reasons, public buildings undergo this kind of finishing. On the other hand, fine plastering can be applied to a building’s facade and residential areas if desired.

Improved plaster is a contemporary solution that combines age-old plastering methods with cutting-edge materials to give walls a smoother, more resilient finish. This kind of plaster offers superior resistance to wear and cracks in addition to improving the aesthetic appeal of surfaces. For those wishing to achieve a durable, high-quality finish in both new construction and renovations, it’s a great option.

What is improved plastering?

What is better plastering? is a question that non-experts frequently ask. This is a three-layer surface finish called splash, primer, and cover that is used for leveling. As per the rule, plaster is applied using guidelines. Following covering, the surface is embellished and the material is rubbed.

It is advised to prepare the solution and select the appropriate material for better plastering. You ought to apply the material according to the prescribed method as well.

Distinctive features

The following are the distinctions between simple, high-quality plastering and improved plastering:

  • The number of permissible deviations is greater than that of high-quality finishing, but less than that of high-quality.
  • The thickness of improved wall plastering is 15 mm. For simple plastering, this figure is 12 mm, for high-quality plastering – 20 mm.
  • The technology of performing improved plastering differs from other types of finishing. For example, simple plastering is performed in one layer without leveling, and improved plastering is performed in three layers with the mandatory use of the rule.


Enhanced plastering offers the following benefits:

  • long service life;
  • leveling of the building base and elimination of surface imperfections;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • resistance to moisture and other environmental manifestations if cement material is used for finishing;
  • fire resistance.

Composition requirements

Cement material is used to plaster walls more effectively. PVA glue is required to be present in the product, per regulations. Sand and cement, the other components of the composition, are bound together by this component.

The product’s ingredients must all be of the highest caliber. The right material is extracted from the earth; sand that has been washed from reservoirs is not appropriate for making the solution. Such a product is more costly than typical, but it is necessary for superior plastering of the building foundation.

Additionally, cement is subject to special regulations. For this kind of finishing, only a product kept under the right circumstances—that is, in a dry room on wooden pallets—is appropriate. Selecting Portland cement grade M400 or M500 is advised.

Application areas

Higher-quality wall plastering is done in both highly humid and dry environments. Facade construction can employ this finishing technique. The most common use for improved plastering is on columns and cornices, two decorative architectural elements.

Preparation of the solution

The material for better plastering is something you can prepare yourself. You’ll need the following for this:

  • cement – 1 part;
  • sand – 3 parts;
  • PVA glue – at the rate of 200 g per 20 l of water.
  1. Glue is diluted in water.
  2. Sand is sifted through a metal sieve and combined with cement.
  3. The resulting mass is poured with the required amount of glue water.
  4. Mix the solution using an industrial mixer until the consistency of thick sour cream. When a more fluid material is required, more liquid is added to the finished product and the product is mixed again.

Application technique

Improved plastering is not done the same way as other finishing techniques.

Preparation of the building base

Guidelines for getting the building base ready:

  1. Remove the old coating.
  2. Sweep off the dust with a brush or vacuum the surface.If there is heavy contamination, wash the building base with a wet cloth and let it dry.
  3. Treat the surface with a degreaser to get rid of oil and grease stains.
  4. Inspect the building base for mold and mildew.If an aggressive biological environment is detected, treat the areas with an antiseptic solution.
  5. Tap the surface with a hammer and if any fragments have fallen off, widen and deepen the defects.
  6. Apply one layer of primer, wait for the composition to dry and re-treat.

Mixing the solution

The material needs to be ready if the master plasters with a dry mixture:

  1. Put the material in a clean bucket and add water – the proportions are indicated on the packaging.
  2. Mix the solution using an industrial mixer.
  3. Leave the material for 5-10 minutes to infuse, stir again and immediately use for its intended purpose.

Application of the material

The following is the technological order for better plastering:

  1. Splashing. For this layer, use a liquid solution, but make the consistency such that the material does not flow down the walls. Plaster bucket or trowel, they throw the composition on the construction base. The solution is thrown so as to close the entire surface and fill the defects. Material thickness – 5 mm. Such a layer is not leveled. Bugar surface improves surface adhesion with material.
  2. Priming. For this layer, a solution of thick sour cream is used. The thickness of the product is 8 mm. The material is applied to the base and leveled using the rule, as in the photo below.
  3. Finish processing. This layer is called a cover. The solution is applied after stalling the soil, the surface is pre -moistened with water. Layer thickness – 2 mm. After processing the surface and setting the composition, the product is leveled with a half.


This completes the process of better plastering. Only after the solution has completely solidified is grout completed. An industrial grater is used for this. The instrument is processed in circular motions while being firmly pressed against the surface. Next, adjust the float’s vertical and horizontal positions. Next, prime, decorate, and sweep the surface.

Permissible deviations

When executing enhanced plastering, departures from the standard are permitted:

  • vertical deviations – no more than 2 mm per 1 m2 of surface;
  • errors on the perimeter of the base – no more than 10;
  • horizontal deviations – no more than 2 mm per 1 m2 of surface;
  • permissible errors for slopes – 2 mm per 1 m2 and no more than 4 on the perimeter of the base.
Feature Description
Smoother finish Improved plaster provides a finer and smoother surface compared to standard plaster.
Enhanced durability It is more resistant to cracking and wear, making it ideal for high-traffic areas.
Better adhesion This type of plaster sticks better to various surfaces, reducing the chance of peeling.
Improved insulation It offers better thermal and sound insulation properties than regular plaster.
Longer drying time Improved plaster may take longer to dry, but this allows for more working time during application.

A great way to improve the longevity and aesthetics of your walls is with improved plaster. It provides a level, polished finish that can elevate the appearance of any space.

To achieve the best results, selecting the appropriate plaster type and applying it correctly are essential. You can attain a polished finish that will last for years with a little care and attention to detail.

Whether you’re finishing new walls or remodeling an existing area, better plaster is a dependable option that gives your house more beauty and strength.

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Dmitry Stepanov

Professional decorator with 10 years of experience. I know everything about renovating apartments, houses and offices. I will be happy to share my knowledge and experience with you.

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