Painting plastic surfaces can be an easy and satisfying do-it-yourself project, but for a smooth and long-lasting finish, the right technique is needed. Knowing how to paint plastic correctly will make all the difference, whether you’re looking to update outdated furniture, decorate home accessories, or personalize everyday items.
Because plastic surfaces are not porous, paint can peel or chip if applied incorrectly, making them notoriously difficult to paint. On the other hand, you can accomplish a long-lasting, professional-looking outcome with the appropriate planning and supplies.
This tutorial will take you step-by-step through the entire painting process of plastic, from surface preparation to finishing touches. The methods are simple to use, even for those who are not experienced in do-it-yourself projects, and the outcome will be pleasing.
- General specifics of painting ABS and PVC plastics
- Painting plastic at home
- What paint to use?
- Video on the topic
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General specifics of painting ABS and PVC plastics
The proper way to paint plastic will depend on its properties. Nonetheless, excellent surface preparation needs to be carried out.
The PVC surface does not allow paint to stick as well. As a result, planning is essential. Painting plastic has its own unique qualities just like painting any other surface.
Note: A spray gun works best when painting. The coating can be applied most evenly in this situation.
For ease of reading, we will examine each step of the procedure in detail:
- At the beginning of the work, you need to make sure that there is no contamination on the surface. The surface to be treated must be dry and clean.
- Before you start painting, the plastic must be coated with a special primer for plastic with high adhesive properties. It can be purchased in paint and varnish, construction and auto stores. The primer should be applied by spraying (using a spray device) or wiping. After processing, the product must dry completely.
- In order for the painting procedure to be comfortable, and the adhesion between the plastic and the paint to be as strong as possible, a number of conditions must be met:
- The ambient temperature must be above 18 degrees, and the humidity should not exceed 80%;
- The temperature of the painted surface, paint and equipment should be approximately the same.
- Plastic is painted in one layer, the thickness of which is 60-120 microns. If the layer is thinner, the wear resistance of such a coating will be very low. And a layer thickness above 120 microns will significantly increase the time of complete drying, which can worsen the appearance of the painted product.
- The recommended drying temperature for plastic surfaces is 18-60 degrees, a more specific temperature range, as well as the drying time itself, directly depend on the thickness of the paint layer. For example, a layer of 80-120 microns at room temperature and standard humidity of 40-50% will dry in 8-10 hours, and at a temperature of 50 degrees and a relative humidity of 65%, the drying period will be reduced to 3 hours. The surface of polyamides and polypropylenes at an air temperature of 100 degrees will dry in 20 minutes.
- Polymerization (final drying) of the painted surface is completed only on the 5-7th day. However, with a layer thickness of more than 120 microns, low ambient temperature and high humidity, the polymerization time can increase significantly. Until the end of polymerization, it is undesirable to expose painted plastic to prolonged exposure to low temperatures and high humidity.
Painting plastic at home
The cost of coating something yourself will be significantly less than hiring an expert. Let’s talk about painting plastic in your house.
To paint a plastic surface with superior quality using our own hands, we will require:
- Aerosol paint-enamel for plastic or enamel for plastic;
- Acrylic aerosol varnish for finishing the surface (it can be matte or glossy);
- Hand, eye and respiratory protection (gloves, mask, safety glasses);
- Polyethylene film (to cover surrounding objects);
- Masking tape;
- Plastic cleaning products (water, rags, brush, detergent);
- Solvent (for example, white spirit);
- Sandpaper with an abrasiveness of up to 180 microns.
What paint to use?
We’ll talk more about paints that work well for painting plastic now. When choosing paint, special attention must be paid to its type and how it interacts with the surface because these factors directly affect the finished product.
- For products made of soft plastic, it is necessary to use enamels with a high content of elasticity and plasticity. And for products made of hard plastic, universal acrylic enamel paint is also suitable.
- In our case, acrylic paint for plastic is best suited, which can be purchased at any construction and paint stores.
Note: When buying, bear in mind that these paints come in two different forms of release: aerosol (in cans) and liquid (in buckets).
- It will be most convenient for us to use spray paint-enamel, t.To. it has good adhesion, is easy to use and dries quickly. If you need the most uniform distribution of enamel over the surface, you can purchase a specialized tip for aerosol cans, which allows you to manually adjust the degree of paint spraying.
Note that paint is not recommended for plastic products labeled as PS (polystyrene), PC (polycarbonate), or PE (polyethylene).
- We will finally fix the paint with acrylic aerosol varnish.
If you are going to work with a new surface or use liquid paint, you will also need a primer for plastic, for example, "Otex" from TM Tikkurila. - If you are going to paint old plastic, then it will be enough to sand the surface.
If you follow the right instructions, painting plastic at home can be an easy and satisfying do-it-yourself project. With the right preparation, paint selection, and careful application, you can give any plastic object a brand-new appearance and personal touch to your interior design.
Step | Description |
1. Surface Preparation | Clean the plastic surface thoroughly to remove dirt, grease, and oils. |
2. Sanding | Lightly sand the surface to create a texture for better paint adhesion. |
3. Priming | Apply a plastic primer to ensure the paint bonds well with the plastic. |
4. Painting | Use spray paint designed for plastic and apply in even, light coats. |
5. Drying | Allow the paint to dry completely between coats and after the final application. |
Painting plastic is an inexpensive and useful way to give inexpensive household items a new look or refresh them. This is a simple task that can be completed at home with the correct planning and supplies.
To guarantee that the paint sticks correctly, start by giving the surface a thorough cleaning. In order to give the paint a rough surface to adhere to, sanding might also be required. To create a smooth base, use a plastic primer. Then, apply a suitable paint in light, even coats.
When applying the next coat, take your time and let the previous one completely dry. By doing this, drips and uneven finishes can be prevented. Your plastic item will have a strong, new look after the last coat dries, and this appearance can last for years.