How to apply liquid putty to walls: with a roller, brush or other method

The simple act of applying liquid putty to walls can aid in producing a level, smooth surface for painting or other finishes. This adaptable material can be applied in a variety of ways, depending on the desired finish and the unique features of the wall, using tools like a roller, brush, or even specialized techniques.

Getting professional-looking results for your project requires knowing which technique to use. Whether

Processing walls with liquid putty

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The best type of finishing to use before painting walls is liquid putty, since it creates a perfectly smooth base for paint application and thin layers of cosmetic materials.

This kind of primer helps to create a smooth surface and is used today when remodeling a room for walls before painting them.

Technology and advantages

The putty’s liquid consistency is structurally comparable to self-leveling paints and varnishes.

Production technology enables:

  • spread evenly, forming a perfectly flat surface;
  • fill all irregularities and small cracks.

It is offered by various manufacturers and may contain different ingredients, but polyester resins are typically the foundation for its creation.

Benefits of putty in liquid form:

  • plastic coating for the wall, leveling the last layer smoother than the previous ones;
  • eliminates small roughness, which is especially important before decorative painting of walls;
  • creates a high-quality, on which the quality of the decorative finish, processed on top and on the basis of it, depends.

Ready-made products are sold in building and finishing material stores in plastic containers. If the container is properly closed and air does not seep inside, they can be stored for two to four months after being opened.

Liquid putty application is a simple task that can be completed with a variety of instruments, including brushes, rollers, and other techniques, each with its own benefits. In order to achieve a smooth and even finish that improves the overall appearance of your walls, this article walks you through selecting the appropriate tool and method for the job.

Liquid putty in repair

Applying spreading putty to walls that have previously been primed with other primer products is how walls are finished.

Different liquid putty compositions are made based on the kind of wall covering that is being used.

Uses for liquid putty lining include:

  • wooden structures;
  • plasterboard surfaces;
  • plastic surfaces;
  • metal;
  • aluminum;
  • polyester and others.

You should choose the kind of liquid putty that is needed for the surface as well as the kind of work you want to do.

Varieties of putty and solutions:

  • latex solution eliminates small cracks and seams on plasterboard sheets during finishing, convenient for processing arches and niches. It contains fine-grained particles that promote uniform distribution on the coating;
  • acrylic composition is used for internal and external treatment of concrete, plasterboard surfaces, levels out significant damage;
  • facade type of putty is waterproof, prevents mold or mildew. Intended for the restoration of facades, walls and areas exposed to precipitation and when priming rooms with a high concentration of humidity, for example, a bathroom.

A small amount of finishing puttying mixture is sufficient to achieve a high-quality result; further mechanical effects to level the wall surface are not necessary.

Additionally, processing in this manner expedites the time allocated for repairs and saves time. Furthermore, the product’s higher price is offset by its lower consumption per square meter when compared to comparable products offered in the building materials market.

Application options

Applying the finishing primer composition when puttying the wall can be done by you with a roller, or you can hire a repair team to apply it with a special sprayer and distribute it across the surface.

The maximum layer thickness for this mixture is 1-2 mm, but in some areas, less than 1 mm is sufficient for the initial layers of putty mixtures or any other kind of plaster.

Application with a roller

You must properly choose the liquid mass’s type for the wall’s type and material before applying it yourself.

While using the putty, you have to:

  • read and follow the instructions for use;
  • clean the surfaces from dust;
  • use a roller for application.

Use a roller if you want to apply the liquid mass evenly with your hands.

But you can’t putty corners with a roller, and the layer you apply will be too thin, so if there are any rough spots, you’ll need to apply two or three layers after the first one dries.

Other application methods

The layer is thinner when sprayed on, and because of its elasticity, the dried mixture retains its properties for ten years after it is applied, even with a layer thickness of less than one millimeter.

You should discuss the size of the spray nozzle with the seller when selecting the type of composition.

Drying time

Depending on the layer thickness at application, temperature range of +6 to +25 degrees, and air humidity of 50% and higher, liquid finishing material dries in 4–7 hours.

Subsequent wall treatment

Decorator paint or other finishing touches are applied once the last layer of paint has dried.

Even when applying putty by hand, a skilled repair can be achieved by choosing the right mixture and adhering to application guidelines based on the type of wall surface.

Application Method Description
Roller Apply putty in even layers with a roller for a smooth finish. Ideal for large surfaces.
Brush Use a brush for detailed areas or to add texture. Great for corners and edges.
Other Methods Consider using a trowel or spray for specific effects or hard-to-reach places.

The ease of application of liquid putty on walls can greatly enhance the smoothness and finish of your surfaces. Using a roller, brush, or any other tool, the most important thing is to apply the putty uniformly and adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions.

The type of surface you’re working with and the desired finish will determine which tool is best for the job. A brush works better for finer details or corners, but a roller works well for larger, flat areas.

For optimal results, take your time applying the putty and make sure to lightly sand the surface once it has dried. It’s possible to achieve a polished, seamless wall finish with perseverance and focus on details.

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Veronica Gerasimova

Interior designer, author of books on the design of residential premises. I will help you make your home not only functional, but also beautiful.

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