How to apply facade plaster on penoplex

Although applying facade plaster on Penoplex can appear a little challenging at first, it’s actually a very simple process when done correctly. Penoplex is a popular choice for exterior wall insulation due to its exceptional insulating qualities. However, it’s essential to apply the plaster over it correctly to guarantee a long-lasting and appealing finish.

A few crucial actions are necessary to complete the task correctly, starting with surface preparation and ending with material selection. When carried out properly, this technique improves the building’s aesthetics while also giving the insulation underneath an additional layer of protection.

We’ll guide you through the steps in the guide that follows, emphasizing crucial advice and methods to help you produce a polished end product. Regardless of experience level, following these steps will help to make the project efficient and manageable.

Advantages and characteristics of penoplex

The low thermal conductivity coefficient of the insulation, which is less than 0.03 W / M * 0C, is the primary benefit of the "Penoplex Wall" insulation, as seen in the picture below. Its density is at least 25 kg/m3, and its compressive strength is 0.20 kgf / cm2.

  • Low vapor permeability, which can only be compared with materials based on foamed polyethylene (penofol, isolon), allows you to omit such a technological operation in the insulating "pie" as the installation of vapor barrier films. Since penoplex is not subject to corrosion, its service life is at least half a century.

  • The structure of the boards is uniform, with evenly distributed pores, which greatly increases strength of the material. But at the same time, it can be easily cut with a stationery knife, which allows any owner to insulate the house with his own hands.
  • It is due to its high density that wall polystyrene foam does not change its geometric parameters over time, and it can be used as a base for plaster. Its resistance to moisture allows for the installation of slabs on the facade in any weather.

The standard size of Penoplex sheets is 1200*600 mm. The thickness can also differ by 30 to 100 mm, which affects the cost. The quantity of slabs in a package varies based on their thickness. The package, which costs between 4900 and 5000 rubles, comes with 14 slabs that are 30 mm thick.

Applying facade plaster to Penoplex requires first carefully priming the surface with a foam material primer. To make sure the plaster adheres well and doesn’t crack, add a reinforcing mesh after that. Lastly, apply the plaster very carefully in thin layers, letting each one completely dry before applying the next. This procedure makes sure that the finish is long-lasting and appealing, safeguarding the insulation and improving the building’s appearance.

What is needed for plastering over insulation

One set of devices is required for penoplex installation, while additional devices are needed for plastering. Thus, a fairly long list is compiled in order to plaster walls over insulation. Let’s examine its contents.

Tools and consumables

A tape measure, a metal square, a plumb line, a two-meter bubble, and a water level are required in order to conduct measurements and control planes. Use a steel brush, a brush-maklovitsa (which is also useful for applying primer), masking tape, and polyethylene (which is used to cover doors and window units) to prepare the surfaces.

  • A hammer drill or drill with drills and a mixer attachment, you will need it both for drilling holes in the walls and for mixing the adhesive and plaster mixture. A pick-shaped hammer is used both in the preparation process and for hammering dowels into the holes.

  • To fix thermal insulation boards, do not use ordinary dowel nails, but dowel mushrooms, which are also called plate-shaped. They have a wide flat head, which does not allow the fastener to "drown" in the thickness of the board. You should take a fastener with a diameter of 10 mm, but the length of the dowel is selected depending on the thickness of the insulation. Since its length should exceed the thickness of the reinforced material by 30 mm, then for insulation with a thickness of 50 mm, you need a dowel 80 mm long. They are sold in packs of 1000 pieces, although the price is per piece (8-10 rubles.). To tighten the dowel cores, you need to have a screwdriver or a corresponding drill attachment.
  • The slabs are cut either with a knife with a blade at least 250 mm long, or a fine-toothed universal hacksaw. You also need to have two types of scissors in your arsenal: for metal, for cutting the base profile, and simple ones, for cutting fiberglass mesh.

Kindly take note! The screed, which will serve as the foundation for the finishing layer, is reinforced with mesh having a cell size of 4 by 4 or 5 by 5 mm. It costs between 1900 and 2500 rubles per roll, depending on width, and is supplied in 50-meter lengths. When purchasing a mesh, it’s important to read the label carefully to make sure it says "facade" because there are other options for painting and plastering that aren’t appropriate for facades.

  • The list of consumables should be supplemented by a base profile, which in this case plays the role of a starting strip, and serves as a support for the first row of insulation. To connect its ends, special connecting elements are needed. To ensure that the mesh fits well to the door and window openings, an abutment profile is used.

  • To protect the corners of the house from mechanical damage, plaster corners with a mesh are needed, and to level the profiles along the plane – plastic compensators. Since penoplex is fastened not only with dowels, but also sits on glue, accordingly, you will have to buy glue for the insulation, and a water-dispersion primer, which will strengthen the base.
  • But for installing the mesh, you need not glue, but adhesive putty. For the best adhesion of the finishing layer of plaster with the reinforcing layer, it is necessary to use a primer – a primer that should be selected for the type of solution that will be applied to it. By the way, about the decorative layer: most often, so-called warm plasters are used for this purpose.

They get their name from the fact that they include filler, which is a raw material used to make insulation. These are granulated foam glass beads, vermiculite, perlite, and the same polystyrene. Because the plaster in question is a heat-insulating material, the facade’s overall thermal engineering is enhanced.

Regarding the mixture application tools, you will require the standard plasterer’s toolkit: an aluminum rule, roller, and sanding block; straight and corner trowels; graters composed of plastic and stainless steel; and a set of spatulas, including a serrated one, for applying glue to the slabs (see Tools for plastering walls: what you need for work).

Nearly every home has some general construction tools; those that don’t are either purchases or loans. As for consumables, you should buy a warm plaster system straight from the manufacturer rather than wasting your time. In this instance, a complete kit including mounting profiles and dry plaster mix will be made available to you.

Step Description
1. Prepare the surface Clean the Penoplex surface and ensure it is dry. Apply a primer to enhance adhesion.
2. Install reinforcement Attach fiberglass mesh to the surface using a special adhesive or dowels for additional strength.
3. Mix the plaster Prepare the facade plaster according to the manufacturer"s instructions until you get a smooth consistency.
4. Apply the base layer Spread a thin layer of plaster over the mesh, covering it completely. Use a trowel for an even finish.
5. Level the surface Smooth out the plaster using a straight edge or trowel, ensuring it is flat and even.
6. Apply the finishing layer Once the base layer is dry, apply the finishing coat of plaster to achieve the desired texture and appearance.
7. Allow to dry Let the plaster dry completely before applying any paint or additional coatings.

A workable way to improve your home’s insulation and aesthetics is to apply facade plaster to Penoplex. Careful preparation is needed for the process, which includes making sure the Penoplex surface is clean and adequately primed for improved adhesion.

You can accomplish a long-lasting and visually appealing result by following the right procedures, which include applying a base coat, inserting a reinforcing mesh, and finishing with a top layer of plaster. This technique gives your external walls an additional layer of protection in addition to safeguarding the insulation.

Understanding these important details will help you make sure that the job is done correctly, resulting in a long-lasting and attractive finish, whether you’re a do-it-yourself enthusiast or hiring a professional.

Video on the topic

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Dmitry Stepanov

Professional decorator with 10 years of experience. I know everything about renovating apartments, houses and offices. I will be happy to share my knowledge and experience with you.

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