Flothing cracks in plaster: how to do the right thing

Plaster cracks can be a major pain, particularly if they affect the smooth appearance of your walls. Knowing how to treat splits and hairline cracks correctly can significantly improve the appearance of your home, regardless of how noticeable they are. Although tackling these problems may seem overwhelming, you can bring your walls back to their former splendor with a little knowledge.

Prior to anything else, it’s critical to comprehend the underlying causes of plaster cracking. Plaster can expand and contract due to changes in temperature, house settling, or even moisture, which can result in those unsightly lines. In order to avoid more issues, it’s critical to address the underlying cause before making any repairs.

Preparation is essential for fixing these cracks. Make sure the area is completely clean and free of any loose plaster. For a seamless and long-lasting repair, use a high-quality primer and the appropriate filler. Although it may seem easy, if you follow these instructions, your repair job will look like it was always there.

Plaster crack repair can be a simple do-it-yourself project if you have the right tools and a little perseverance. At the end, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment in addition to improving the appearance of your walls. So prepare to seal those cracks by rolling up your sleeves, gathering your materials, and starting.

Step Action
1 Clean the area around the crack. Remove any loose plaster or debris.
2 Fill the crack with a suitable filler or patching compound. Smooth it out with a putty knife.
3 Let the filler dry completely according to the product instructions.
4 Sand the dried filler to make it level with the wall surface.
5 Prime the repaired area to ensure good paint adhesion.
6 Paint over the area with the same color as the rest of the wall.

It’s imperative to properly address plaster cracks in order to preserve the integrity and appearance of your walls. This post will walk you through the simple procedures for fixing these cracks so that your wall looks smooth and new again and stops more damage from happening. We’ll go over everything, from surface preparation to material application, to ensure you can confidently take on this typical home maintenance task.

Why cracks appear on the walls

Plaster can fracture for a variety of reasons.

The most typical ones are:

  • Shrinkage of the building;
  • Sudden changes in humidity and air temperature;
  • Violation of technology when laying bricks;
  • Violation of the technology of applying plaster;
  • Incompatibility of wall material and leveling mortar;
  • Improperly prepared solution;
  • Too high the thickness of the layer is the clear reason why fresh plaster cracks;
  • Non -compliance with the conditions under which it should dry and t.D.

Additionally, the technology for setting joints between the sheets as well as the instructions for installing the frame and sheets themselves may not have been followed when cracks develop on a plucked plasterboard surface.

Ways to eliminate defects on different surfaces

No matter what caused the crack in the concrete, masonry, or plaster, it must be sealed off before adding more decoration. The point is not even that ornamental materials can’t conceal flaws that detract from the walls’ appearance, though this is a crucial consideration.

If this isn’t done, moisture will seep through the internal cracks in the material and cause it to collapse even more. For external walls subjected to strong mechanical loads and harsh environmental influences, prompt repairs are especially important.

Plaster repair

With very few exceptions, cracks always appear after drying in cement-sand plaster due to its low elasticity. This can occasionally occur even earlier, during the hardening phase. There are a few possible causes for fresh plaster cracking: an excessively thick layer applied in a single pass, drying in extremely hot and dry air without wetting, or a high sand content in the mixture.

Cement plaster is primed and puttied, in any event, but occasionally tiny cracks show up on it and even on wallpaper. Before puttying, the walls are reinforced with fiberglass mesh or cobweb, which is painted fiberglass, to prevent this.

As a point of reference. Although fiberglass wallpaper costs significantly more than the other materials on this list, it is still a viable option for reinforcement. As such, its use should only be considered as a final decorative layer that will be painted.

After applying and drying the primer, the fabric is glued (cm. Fiberglass for putty – purpose and installation rules) using a special glue. The surface is then covered in putty.

There are alternative techniques for fixing tiny plaster cracks.

  • If they are small, like a web formed as a result of the shrinkage of the solution, the surface is treated with a deep penetration impregnation, which strengthens the surface and does not allow cracks to grow. After the impregnation dries, they are covered with thick dispersion paint;
  • Funny cracks can be sealed with a mixture of cement with PCI emulsion or PVA glue. It is applied with a brush.

The cause of cement plaster cracking in new construction or structures constructed on unstable soils is often their uneven shrinkage or the emergence of internal voltage in the structures. In this instance, the fractures may be quite deep and wide, even through, particularly where structures composed of various materials converge. They are sealed with the aid of the subsequent technology:

  • Cracks are expanded, t.e. with the help of milk and a chisel, they are expanded by knocking down the edges at an angle of 45 degrees. At the same time, weak adjacent areas of plaster are removed;

  • Then they are cleaned of residual dirt and dust by sweeping with a hard brush. You can also use a vacuum cleaner;
  • A repair mortar is prepared, to which small gravel or pieces of broken brick can be added if the crack is very large and deep;

Kindly take note. The location of the work determines the type of repair mortar to be used. An external wall that has cracks repaired needs to be weatherproof and prepared using a cement-lime base.

  • Before repairing the crack, it is necessary to moisten it with water from a spray bottle or a wet sponge or brush;
  • The solution is applied to the defect with a spatula and pressed inward so that it fills all the voids. Excess is immediately removed flush with the wall;

  • When it dries, the repaired section of the wall is sanded and plastered.

In order to stop the mortar from leaking, you will need to build a formwork on one side of the wall if the crack is through and wide. This can be a plywood panel or a board whose dimensions let you take pictures of the whole damaged area. It is secured to the wall with screws or kept in place with spacers and left there until the crack’s mortar solidifies.

Repair of brickwork

A brick wall’s plaster cracking could be caused by something called non-compliance with masonry technology. It develops a crack that tears the plaster apart.

Here, it grows and penetrates in all directions, ensnaring the masonry, and the plaster surrounding it is stripped away to securely held sections.

Next, there are two potential fixes:

  • Cement mortar, similar to that on which the brick was laid, or a similar material – cement plaster, tile adhesive, etc.d. The technology is the same as described in the previous chapter;
  • Sealant for joints, with which the crack in the brick is filled using a construction gun. It should be filled to the level of the masonry plane, and the excess is immediately removed with a rubber spatula or a finger moistened in a solution of any detergent. After the sealant dries, the section of the wall cleared of plaster is plastered again.

This is a crucial matter. Cracks cannot be sealed with silicone sealants because paint does not adhere to them and neither do plaster or putty mixtures.

The second option is significantly more costly, but it is also much more dependable because the sealant expands and contracts easily after drying, keeping cracks from recurring. Plaster deep cracks can be sealed with this technique.

Repair of plasterboard structures

After completing plasterboard repairs (see Technology of Plasterboard Cladding: Methods of Installing the Material), people frequently ask themselves, "What should I do now that the wallpaper is tearing and the plaster is cracking on the walls leveled with it?"

The sequence of events is determined by what caused these outcomes:

  • If this is an incorrectly mounted or poorly secured to the base frame that wobbles, preventing the sheets from maintaining a stable position, then sealing the cracks is useless, they will appear again. There is only one way out – redo everything.
  • If the defects arose due to deformation of the plasterboard sheets as a result of a flood or exposure to high humidity, there is also nothing left to do but change the cladding.
  • If the technology for sealing the joints between the sheets was violated, then the problem is solved quite simply. The seams are cleaned of old putty and sealed again according to all the rules using reinforcing tape.

  • You can also use a more reliable method with reinforcing the entire surface with fiberglass. After gluing it, the walls are completely putty and sanded. The technology of this process has already been described more than once on this site.

Although patching plaster cracks may seem difficult, it is a task that can be successfully completed with a little perseverance and the appropriate strategy. You can guarantee that your repairs will last and look good by identifying the type of cracks and properly prepping your wall. Recall that meticulous attention to detail and taking your time are essential for a successful plaster repair.

Determine the size and origin of the cracks first. Generally speaking, smaller, hairline cracks are easier to treat than larger ones that might point to more serious problems. It is imperative to address the underlying cause—whether it is moisture or structural issues—before using any patching material. This will lessen the likelihood of the cracks resurfacing.

Next, it’s crucial to prepare the surface properly. To get rid of any debris and loose plaster, give the area a thorough cleaning. By using a primer or sealant, you can increase the repair material’s adherence and achieve a smoother finish. Use a plaster or filler that is appropriate for the cracks and apply it evenly, pressing it into the space to form a strong bond.

Sanding the area smooth after the repair material has dried will help it blend in perfectly with the surrounding wall. The repair can then be made almost invisible with a fresh coat of paint, giving the wall its original appearance. Your plaster repairs will be both functional and aesthetically pleasing if you follow these steps.

If you take the time to do it correctly, you’ll have a beautifully maintained wall that withstands deterioration. It’s important to take your time and remember that fixing those cracks will result in a smoother, more appealing wall surface.

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Dmitry Stepanov

Professional decorator with 10 years of experience. I know everything about renovating apartments, houses and offices. I will be happy to share my knowledge and experience with you.

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