Features of painting walls with water-based paint: description of the process with photos and videos

Water-based paint is a popular option for both professionals and homeowners to paint their walls. It is well-known for being simple to use, drying quickly, and being easily cleaned with water. This kind of paint is an excellent choice for people who want to lessen their influence on the environment because it is also environmentally friendly.

There are certain methods and procedures that you should follow when painting with water-based paint to ensure a smooth, polished finish. Knowing the process can have a big impact on the result, from setting up the walls to selecting the appropriate tools. You will be guided through the fundamentals by this guide, which also offers valuable advice.

We’ll provide images and videos that walk through each step of the process to help it become even more evident. Regardless of your level of experience, the information provided here is clear and simple to understand.

Step Description
Surface Preparation Clean the walls thoroughly, remove any old paint or wallpaper, and patch up any holes or cracks. A smooth surface ensures the best results.
Priming Apply a primer to create a uniform base, which helps the water-based paint adhere better and last longer.
Choosing the Right Paint Select a high-quality water-based paint suitable for the room"s conditions, such as moisture resistance for bathrooms.
Application Technique Use a roller for large areas and a brush for edges and corners. Apply the paint in even, overlapping strokes to avoid streaks.
Drying Time Allow the paint to dry completely between coats, typically 2-4 hours, depending on the manufacturer"s instructions.
Final Touches Inspect the walls after the final coat. Touch up any missed spots or uneven areas for a flawless finish.

Water-based paint is a popular choice for many do-it-yourselfers because it is an easy and affordable way to achieve a smooth, long-lasting finish on walls. This post will walk you through the steps and guarantee that even novices can successfully transform their walls with a polished appearance by offering step-by-step instructions, helpful advice, and visual aids like pictures and videos.


The primary guideline is to abstain from all market purchases. These locations not only carry the risk of buying low-quality counterfeit goods, but materials are improperly stored. Low temperatures cause water-based compositions to freeze, and once they defrost, they lose their properties.

In order to select the best water-based paint, consider the following:

  1. Drying time. This indicator ranges from 2 to 24 hours. But it is important to remember that the drying time depends on the humidity and temperature in the room. Optimum indicators: 18-20 degrees Celsius and air humidity no higher than 65%.
  2. Viscosity. This parameter reflects the degree of dilution of the material with water. If you plan to paint with water-based paint using a roller, then this indicator should be no more than 45. If the work will be carried out with a spray gun, then no more than 25.
  3. Material consumption. Indicated in liters per square meter. Most manufacturers indicate consumption without taking into account the absorbency of the surface, so it is recommended to add 10% when calculating.
  4. Shelf life. This indicator is important if the repair is still planned, but the purchase of materials has already begun. Usually, the shelf life of water-based paints does not exceed two years.
  5. Coverage. This indicator reflects how well the composition covers the base color. If it is low, you will have to paint the walls in several layers.

Additionally, you’ll need consumables:

  • Primer. Provides a high level of adhesion of paint to the wall. In addition, thanks to the use of a primer, there will be no smudges on the walls. It should be made on the same basis as the paint. That is, for acrylic paint you need an acrylic primer, for silicate paint – a silicate.
  • Sandpaper. Required for sanding the surface before work.
  • Putty. If there are a large number of defects, you will need a starting and finishing putty. If there are few defects, then only the finishing one is enough.
  • Polyethylene film. It can be used to cover the floor and bulky furniture that is difficult to remove from the room, to protect against the composition getting on it.
  • Masking tape. Serves to limit the area for painting and fix the film.

Necessary tools

The compositions are typically applied to the wall using a roller. This tool comes in a few varieties that are used for streak-free water-based paint application on walls:

  1. Foam rubber. The simplest and cheapest type, but due to the fact that foam rubber absorbs a large amount of the composition, microscopic bubbles can form on the surface. It is better to opt for a roller with a high density.
  2. Velor. Such products are difficult to find in non-specialized stores. Velor is a dense material, so it absorbs a relatively small amount of paint. Thanks to this feature, the tool practically does not splash the composition, but it needs to be dipped in paint quite often.
  3. Fur. In this case, we are talking about rollers made of natural or artificial fur. There is practically no difference between them, only natural ones last longer. This option is considered traditional for painting walls.

Selecting the tool’s size is crucial as well. To expedite the painting process, it is generally preferable to select the longest rollers available. However, it is best to weigh the tool yourself before making a purchase and keep in mind that materials like paint and varnish will make it even heavier.

Furthermore, water-based paint requires a paint tray with a ribbed surface, a mixer for material mixing, and brushes for reaching areas that are difficult to reach. If the ceilings are high, you should also prepare a stepladder and work clothes ahead of time.

Preparatory work

You must prepare the surfaces before applying water-based paint to the walls. The truth is that oil paint or whitewashed walls cannot be finished with this type of paint.

Removing old whitewash and paint

If the whitewash layer is thick, numerous small cuts must be made across the wall, the surface must be thoroughly moistened with water, and the area must be left for thirty minutes. Next, rewet the coating and allow it to become completely wet. After that, just use a spatula to scrape off the whitewash, and then use a sponge to wash the walls. If the layer is thin, then notches are not necessary.

The method for removing water-based paint is the same as for whitewashing if the walls have already been painted with it. However, it is more difficult to remove the coating if oil paint was used. Generally, a building hair dryer is helpful. Heat the surface with its assistance, then use a spatula to scrape off the material.

An iron may not be able to remove paint that has dried too deeply. After that, chemical washes are utilized as a removal technique. Put on work clothes, rubber gloves, and a respirator, and open all the windows and doors in the apartment to create a draft. After soaking a rag in a solvent to treat the surface, wait the allotted amount of time, and then wash the substance off the wall. Until a clean base is left, this process needs to be repeated.

Also, mechanical paint removal techniques are acceptable prior to applying water-based paint to the walls. Sanding the surface by hand or with a grinder is the easiest. You can drill socket boxes using a drill with a crown or a drill with a chain attachment if you have the required equipment on hand.

Puttying and priming

If the walls are perfectly flat and there are no cracks on them, then this step can be skipped. But, as practice shows, such situations rarely happen, more often preparation is required. It is necessary to tap the wall with a hammer to identify weak spots, then inspect the surface and pick out the cracks with a spatula to remove small fragments from them. If large potholes have formed, they are sealed with cement-sand mortar. Then, a starting putty is applied to the entire area with a spatula, after which the surface must be primed and a thin layer of finishing putty must be applied. Finally, the walls are treated with sandpaper or a grinding machine.

Remember: Using a roller, apply the primer in two layers for optimal results. Wait until the first layer is completely dry before applying the second. This material reduces the amount of paint required while simultaneously enhancing adhesion.


You can move on to the main stage once you’ve finished all the necessary setup and bought all the necessary supplies and equipment. We will then go over how to apply water-based paint to walls correctly.

Preparing the composition

You must open the paint container and add some water to it right before you begin working to make the paint less thick. You must then apply color. It is best to color the composition in the store because doing this operation yourself requires expertise. Although using an electric drill with a mixer attachment is preferable, you can use any thin, long object to mix the material if you don’t have one on hand. To ensure that the difference in shades is hardly noticeable, make sure you have enough paint to complete one wall.

Applying paint with a hand tool

Applying water-based paints involves pouring the mixed paint into a paint tray, dipping a brush into it, and painting areas that are difficult to reach near the ceiling. Next, paint-wet the roller and press it against the tray’s recessed surface. It is preferable to paint from the top down. To do this, apply pressure to the roller’s surface and roll it across the wall. Paint the entire surface in this manner, and then apply a second layer once it has dried.

Application with a spray gun

To prevent paint and varnish from getting on the floor, it is advised to cover it with a film before using a spray gun for water-based paint. The following is the work technology:

  • Paint is poured into a container and the equipment is connected.
  • A nozzle is directed to an unnecessary sheet of plywood or cardboard and the button is pressed. This must be done so that the paint flow becomes uniform.
  • Then, pointing the nozzle perpendicular to the surface and placing it 30–50 cm from it, you need to press the button and move the device from top to bottom. You should work at a speed of 1 meter per 5 seconds.
  • So you need to paint the entire wall, and after drying, apply a second layer perpendicular to the first.

You have now finished painting with water-based composition with your hands. It’s essential to apply another layer if stains show up on the walls after the material has dried. You will need to remove the coating and repeat the entire process if this doesn’t work.

Number of paint layers

The work technology states that painting requires the application of two coats at minimum. The main reason for this is that the base will show through because some of the paint will be absorbed into the surface. As a result, don’t squander a lot of material on the initial layer. It’s also critical to remember that the subsequent layer is only applied once the preceding layer has fully dried.

Note: The number of layers is also influenced by the color of the paint and base. If the material is not as heavy as the wall, then three layers will be required.

Creating a textured surface

Water-based paints are frequently used to produce painted surfaces with a textured appearance. You will require a viscous substance that is insoluble in water for these uses. Along with these, you’ll need a sponge, a lint-free roller, and a roller with medium-length hard bristles. In the initial step, paint the wall and completely fill in all of the pores using a roller covered in a hard fur coat. After that, a lint-free roller or sponge is used to finish the texture’s projecting areas. For this, paint in a different hue is frequently used.

Creating texture using a paint composition

Paint can be used to create a textured surface without first plastering the wall. If all you have on hand is a standard roller, you will need to quickly roll it over the surface after dipping it into a viscous substance. You’ll get a pattern with pores and textured stains once it has dried. A slightly diluted composition will result in a pattern that is more hazy. You can apply paint using specific rollers that have flaps or cutouts.

Vital! It takes a lot of material to create a textured surface.

Water-based paint is a great option if you want a clean, smooth finish on your walls. The procedure is simple enough that novices and seasoned do-it-yourselfers can both benefit from it. Whether using a roller, brush, or spray gun, the best results are guaranteed when the steps are carefully followed.

The secret to success is priming the surface, selecting the appropriate equipment, and evenly applying the paint. This guide’s images and videos provide you with easy-to-follow visual assistance so you can produce results that look professional.

You can protect and improve the look of your walls by taking the time to adhere to these guidelines. When painting a room or taking on a more extensive project, water-based paint provides a long-lasting and visually pleasing result that you will love for many years to come.

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Veronica Gerasimova

Interior designer, author of books on the design of residential premises. I will help you make your home not only functional, but also beautiful.

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