Drying time of wallpaper after gluing in an apartment

One of the most common queries after installing new wallpaper is how long to wait until the space is completely finished. The best results for your walls can be ensured by understanding the factors that affect the drying time of wallpaper.

It takes more than just waiting to complete the drying process; proper conditions must be established. The length of time it takes for the wallpaper to dry completely depends on a number of factors, including temperature, humidity, and the kind of wallpaper you’ve selected.

Hastily completing the process can result in problems such as uneven adhesion, bubbles, or peeling. You can steer clear of these issues and achieve a smooth, long-lasting finish on your walls by being aware of what to anticipate and how to supervise the drying process.

Factors affecting wallpaper drying

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The duration of wallpaper drying time can be understood in relation to several factors.

  • Product material. If it is cheap and of poor quality, the period increases. Moisture is absorbed into the structure and is not removed for a long time.
  • Wall material. The base can also retain moisture without releasing it into the external environment or indoors. If paper is applied to plaster, the period is shortened. If it is directly applied to concrete, it will lengthen.
  • Glue quality. The packaging indicates how long you need to wait for the glue to dry.
  • Room temperature. First of all, you need to adjust it when pasting is done. The temperature must be at least 8 degrees. Ideally, it is increased to 20-25 degrees. Drafts, sudden temperature changes, open windows, the use of powerful heating devices are prohibited.

The drying process can be accelerated if you use a hair dryer or other heating device to shorten the duration. However, this will cause the paper base or glue to break. The product could fall off the wall; full recycling will be necessary.

Indoor microclimate

In the event that the user chooses to apply adhesive wallpaper, the home’s microclimate must be adjusted first, following these guidelines:

  • raise the temperature to 20-25 degrees, otherwise the glue will dry for a long time, the period of repair work will increase;
  • raise the humidity in the room to 50% or more, the optimal indicator is considered to be 60%;
  • use water from a spray bottle, a humidifier to artificially increase humidity;
  • curtain the windows that face the south side, since a lot of sunlight passes through them, which dries the air greatly, raising the temperature above 25 degrees;
  • close the windows and doors, fresh air should not leak inside.

Should you deviate from the guidelines, the material will come off repeatedly. Due to the need to reapply glue to the surface, this will result in a significant glue consumption.

The type of wallpaper, the adhesive used, the humidity levels in the room, and the temperature of the room all affect how long wallpaper takes to dry after being glued in an apartment. Wallpaper usually takes around 24 to 48 hours to completely dry, though this can vary. By being aware of these elements, you can guarantee a flawless and long-lasting finish and avoid problems like bubbles and peeling.

Recommendations for drying wallpaper

As soon as the application is complete, the canvas should dry completely. Then, it will have a stunning, premium appearance.

Adhere to several suggestions:

  • No drafts. This is monitored not only during pasting, but also during the next 2-3 days after its completion. Initially, the glue dries, this takes about 12 hours, provided that the temperature is maintained within 20-25 degrees without changes. If it is slightly lower, the period increases.
  • Constant humidity. To keep it at 60%, close the windows, turn off the air conditioner. Moisture evaporates, the room becomes stuffy. But this does not mean that you need to open windows, doors. They are tightly closed. The evaporated moisture maintains optimal humidity for 2 days.
  • Prohibition on turning on a fan, hair dryer and other devices that release air flows. It is not recommended to dry surfaces in this way. Otherwise, the glue will dry unevenly and may crack. This will cause the wallpaper to fall off the wall.

Feel the surface to determine the amount of drying that has taken place. It is advised to wait a few hours if it is dry just to be cautious. Allow the surface to dry for at least a full day.

How long does it take for different types of wallpaper to dry

It is not possible to begin other repairs right away if you succeeded in adhering the wallpaper. Wait a while, as it will depend on the product’s material and microclimate.

This time is shortened for some surfaces because of the pricey and high-quality structure. The longer it takes for other canvases, the more slowly the moisture is removed from the surface.


Several factors are considered in order to determine the time period:

  • quality of the glue used;
  • technology for fixing the product to the surface;
  • the presence or absence of primary surface preparation;
  • presence or absence of primer application.

Depending on the surface layer’s quality, paper products come in a variety of forms. It may take up to 20 hours for it to dry if it is high and in multiple layers. The longer the time increases, the lower the grade and the fewer layers. It may take up to 72 hours for multi-layer wallpaper.


In order to comprehend the duration for a vinyl base, there are several prerequisites that must be fulfilled first:

  • average humidity in the room, if it rises to a high level, the period is extended;
  • ban on opening windows for 1 week, especially if the gluing was carried out in cool weather.

The quality of the base determines how long a calculation takes:

  • vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base – 1-2 days;
  • vinyl wallpaper on a paper base – from 18 hours to 1 day.

Although the paper base dries more quickly, this does not imply that it is of excellent quality. It is preferable to use a non-woven base to guarantee that the product maintains an appropriate appearance.


The drying time for each kind of liquid wallpaper is listed on the packaging. However, the given value does not always match reality, so you have to determine it for yourself.

The laboratory-created liquid consistency’s quality determines how long it will take to dry. The time interval grows if even a small mistake is made.

When it comes to the liquid component’s drying speed, the following characteristics stand out:

  • the first day the structure cannot dry out, since there is an intensive exchange of moisture between the base and the air in the room;
  • to reduce the time interval, increase the dryness in the room;
  • to check if the product is ready, apply your palm, the process is complete when the surface does not stick to the skin;
  • to reduce the time, it is recommended to apply the product to plasterboard, sand-lime brick, lime plaster;
  • on a concrete base, the liquid consistency dries longer, since the thermal insulation is at a low level.

It may take up to two days to dry if you keep the temperature between fifteen and twenty degrees with typical dry air.

There are various varieties of liquid wallpaper, and their variety affects how long it takes for the coating to dry:

  • vegetable, containing cotton and cellulose – readiness is expected within 48 hours, but a complete absence of drafts is required;
  • polymer – the interval increases to 2-3 days;
  • mineral – the drying speed depends on the quality and uniformity of heating of the coating, at least 2 days are required.

Consider the materials used to build the house when selecting liquid wallpaper. If it’s brick, the time will be much shorter because it keeps heat from escaping and keeps moisture out. In this sense, concrete has the worst qualities.


The best and highest-quality material available for wallpaper creation is this one. It is simple to determine how long non-woven wallpaper dries after gluing if you consider the factors for fixing the product.

Wait about a day while keeping the temperature between 15 and 20 degrees. There is a maximum one-day increase in time when altering microclimate indicators.

How to speed up the process and reduce humidity

To expedite the drying process, adhere to these guidelines:

  • select high-quality material that dries quickly, but is not damaged during operation;
  • use special dehumidifiers that do not emit jets, but raise the temperature in the entire room (connect before starting work so that there are no sudden temperature changes);
  • warm the air after the work is done, its temperature is increased to 20-25 degrees (it is permissible to connect a battery, household heaters, but it is prohibited to use a heat gun, hair dryer).

It is preferable to begin gluing in the summer as there is a better microclimate maintained then without the need for heating devices.

Wallpaper Type Approximate Drying Time
Paper Wallpaper 12-24 hours
Vinyl Wallpaper 24-48 hours
Non-Woven Wallpaper 24-48 hours
Textile Wallpaper 48-72 hours
Heavy Vinyl or Embossed Wallpaper 48-72 hours

It is essential to let your wallpaper dry completely if you want a smooth, durable finish. The type of wallpaper, the adhesive used, and the humidity and temperature in your apartment can all affect how long it takes to dry.

It will typically take the wallpaper between 24 and 72 hours to completely dry. This can, however, go farther if the space is extremely humid or cold. It’s imperative to exercise patience and refrain from hurrying the process by using fans or heating, as this may cause uneven drying and possibly harm the wallpaper.

Make sure the space is well-ventilated for optimal results, but stay away from direct drafts that can cause the wallpaper to lift at the edges. You’ll be rewarded with a lovely finish that improves the appearance and feel of your house once the wallpaper has dried.

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Veronica Gerasimova

Interior designer, author of books on the design of residential premises. I will help you make your home not only functional, but also beautiful.

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