DIY interior decoration of a bathhouse: stages of work

A bathhouse’s interior design is an essential component of making it a cozy and restful place. Doing the work yourself can save costs and give you complete control over the design, whether you’re renovating an existing bathhouse or building a new one. However, to guarantee a high-quality, long-lasting finish, it’s crucial to comprehend the procedure and adhere to the correct steps.

We’ll walk you through each step of the DIY bathhouse interior decorating process in this article. Every step, from selecting the best materials to applying finishes, calls for meticulous preparation and focus on detail. You can design a warm and practical bathhouse interior that fits your style and requirements by using the methods listed here.

Even a novice can successfully finish a bathhouse’s interior decoration with the correct method. To help you get started with confidence, let’s examine what’s involved in each step of the process in more detail.

Stage Description
Preparation Clean the surfaces and remove any old finishes or debris. Ensure the walls are dry and smooth.
Insulation Install thermal insulation to keep the bathhouse warm. Use materials like mineral wool or foil-clad insulation.
Vapor Barrier Apply a vapor barrier to protect against moisture. Seal all joints carefully.
Framing Build a wooden frame for the interior walls and ceiling. Ensure the structure is sturdy and level.
Wall and Ceiling Cladding Attach wooden panels or boards to the frame. Cedar, linden, or pine are good choices for a bathhouse.
Flooring Lay a durable, water-resistant floor. Tiles or treated wood are common options.
Final Touches Install doors, windows, and any additional features. Finish with protective coatings or sealants.

Bath finishing work: stages of rough work

Where should I begin completing my work? After all, the room needs to have a number of surfaces that are artistically pleasing. This also applies to completing:

Floor finishing

The floor is where the entire process begins. A subfloor is typically not created while building is underway. It is worthwhile to take care of the floor structure first for this reason. A concrete screed is made for this. Use the following as the solution:

  • Cement grade 400.
  • Crushed stone (not too large).
  • Sand (cleaned).
  • Water.
  • Wooden beacons are installed along the entire perimeter of the room, and the solution will be poured along them. After this, a backfill of sand and crushed stone is made, you can also use expanded clay.
    This is insulation and waterproofing work. It is especially important to do this if the room does not have a basement.
  • The concrete solution itself is mixed in a concrete mixer. Thus, you can save time and effort. It is necessary to do the pouring so that the surface of the subfloor is as smooth as possible.

Advice: If this doesn’t work, you can use a liquid floor to level the surface perfectly once the concrete screed has fully set.

Only after all of the work on the room’s walls and ceiling has been completed is the floor finished. Any contemporary, reasonably priced floor covering can be used for interior floor finishing.


The entire process moves to the walls after work on the floor. Wall alignment and surface preparation for finishing work are referred to as rough finishing. In which situations is finishing necessary?

  • Wall finishing largely depends on the building material from which the bathhouse is built. If it is built from brick or other similar material, then leveling of the surfaces may not be necessary.
  • It will only be necessary to qualitatively prepare the surfaces for finishing work. In this case, you can use plasterboard or plaster.

Suggestions. Plasterboard preparation is the best option if you want to save time and money.

To prepare the surface, use plaster. What you’ll need to use plaster is:

  • Starter plaster.
  • Finishing plaster.
  • Container for mixing the solution.
  • Water.
  • Two spatulas (large and small).
  • Plaster is applied to stone walls quite easily. To do this, the wall surface must be primed.
    After this, starting and finishing plaster are used. The name of such materials speaks for itself.
  • Starter plaster is used in initial work. It is sold in bulk form and in order to mix the solution well, there are special instructions on the packaging.
    According to it, water is added to the container and plaster powder is poured into it. After this, using a construction mixer, it is thoroughly mixed to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  • Starter plaster is applied in small layers. Each layer must first dry well.
    Then such plaster is processed with sandpaper.

Suggestions. It is preferable to use coarse sandpaper for such tasks. It will assist in quickly eliminating any irregularities that may arise after the initial layer is applied.

  • After the starting layer of plaster, the finishing layer is applied. Its solution is made similarly to the starting plaster.
    Only it does not serve to level the surfaces, but to hide the irregularities that could form as a result of applying the starting plaster.
  • This type of plaster is applied quite simply. The layers should not be too large.
    There should be at least 2 layers. Each layer dries well before applying the next one.
    The quality of the plaster application to the surface will depend on this. After this, the surface is processed with sandpaper.

Advice: You must use finer sandpaper to sand the final layer of plaster.

After preparing the walls, you can paint or apply finishing touches.

Using plasterboard in finishing

For many years, surfaces have been prepared and leveled using drywall. Drywall is frequently used to complete the work on a bathroom built of rounded wood. In order to hang drywall, you’ll need:

  • Metal profiles.
  • Self-tapping screws for metal and with wide heads.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Perforator.
  • Level.
  • Bulgarian.

Plasterboard interior finishing for a bathhouse can be done quite easily at home. The finishing process is demonstrated in the video. Nothing about any of the actions is complex:

  • A metal profile frame is pre-attached to the wall surface. It is mounted using dowels and self-tapping screws.
    is a kind of crate. Sheets of plasterboard will be attached to it. This material is cut very easily.
    For this, you can use a regular stationery knife.
  • The plasterboard is mounted on the frame using screws with large heads. After the frame with the material is ready, all joints should be glued with a special construction tape.
    Only then can plaster or putty be applied to the surface.
  • Do-it-yourself bathhouse walls interior finishing is done with any material. Its choice will largely depend on the purpose of using a particular room.
  • Rough finishing of the ceiling will depend on what material the ceiling is made of – wood, concrete floors, and so on.
  • If concrete floors are used as a black ceiling, then leveling the surface may not be necessary, but preparatory work must be carried out.
  • The whole process is very similar to black finishing work on the walls of the walls, also used gypscarton or plaster. But here the type of ceiling finishing coating will play a big role.

It’s not always required to prep the ceiling surface beforehand.

A bathroom’s DIY interior design process consists of a few essential steps, such as surface preparation, insulation application, and material selection (wood or tiles). By taking a methodical approach, you can design a warm, practical area that improves the bathhouse experience. Even if you’re a novice, this guide will walk you through each step and provide helpful advice to guarantee a polished finish.

It can be satisfying to finish a bathhouse’s interior on your own. It not only reduces expenses but also lets you personalize the area to your preferences. By adhering to the steps in the process, from planning to finishing touches, you can improve the bathhouse experience by creating a cozy and welcoming space.

Every step of the process, from wall cladding and insulation to flooring and ceiling work, is essential to making sure the bathhouse is both aesthetically pleasing and functional. A sturdy and appealing finish can be achieved with the right materials and techniques, which require careful planning and attention to detail.

Take your time, and don’t be afraid to ask for help or direction when you need it. You can have the satisfaction of creating a space that suits the particular requirements of a bathhouse environment while reflecting your style if you put in the necessary time and effort.

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Veronica Gerasimova

Interior designer, author of books on the design of residential premises. I will help you make your home not only functional, but also beautiful.

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