Bark beetle plaster is a well-liked option for wall finishing because of its distinctive texture and toughness. This particular kind of plaster can give your walls a unique, rustic appearance, whether you’re finishing a new construction or remodeling an existing one.
How much you’ll need is one of the most important things to think about when working with bark beetle plaster. The kind of surface, the layer’s thickness, and the particular product you select are some of the variables that affect the rate of consumption.
This post will explain the factors that influence the amount of plaster consumed by bark beetles and provide helpful advice on how to calculate how much you’ll need for your project. You can guarantee a smooth, even finish on your walls and prevent waste by using the appropriate method.
- How to calculate the consumption of bark beetle plaster per 1 sq. m
- What affects consumption
- Consumption rates from manufacturers
- Examples of calculations
- How to save consumption
- Video on the topic
- Olimp "Bark beetle" structural plaster 2 mm
- Application of decorative plaster Bark beetle
- Bark beetle is a thing of the past !!! The most EFFECTIVE, CHEAP and LIGHT decorative material for a FRAME HOUSE.
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How to calculate the consumption of bark beetle plaster per 1 sq. m
Plan the finishing sequence after measuring the walls and determining the working surface area. Purchase material with large granules, 2.5 to 3.5 mm in size, if you are ennobling the facade. Use plaster containing tiny mineral fractions (0.8 to 2.5 mm) for interior work. Although manufacturers provide consumption rates in their instructions, each job site determines how much mixture is needed for a given volume of work.
What affects consumption
What influences the rate of change in consumption is:
- surface condition, degree of preparation for plastering;
- grain size of mineral filler;
- component composition of the mixture (acrylic, silicate, silicone base);
- type of plaster (ready-made paste or powder);
- type of surface (internal wall or building facade);
- thickness of the plaster layer;
- curvature of the wall;
- technique of applying the material to the surface.
Make a sketch and label the surface dimensions with all of the piers for accurate calculations. Multiplying the wall area by the consumption rate for one square meter of surface will yield the necessary amount of material.
Consumption rates from manufacturers
Examine the labeling on the manufacturing container, details regarding the granule size, and discover the suggested prescription dosage. The "Bark beetle" plaster is made in various factories, and each one has its own specifications regarding the amount of water to dry mix and how much is needed per square meter of surface. 2.5–4 kg is the average typical indicator. Examples of specific production brand recommendations:
- plaster "Bark beetle". Consumption per 1 m² of the mixture of the Volma brand – 6.5 kg;
- plaster "Bark beetle". Consumption per m² of the mixture of the Starateli brand – 9 kg;
- silicate mixture "Ceresit" with a granule size of 2 mm – 3 kg per 1 m²;
- silicate mixture "Ceresit" with a granule diameter of 3 mm – 4.5 kg per 1 m²;
- polymer-cement mixture "Ceresit" with a fraction size of 2.5 mm – 3 kg per 1 m²;
- polymer-cement mixture "Ceresit" with a fraction size of 3.5 mm – 4 kg per 1 m²;
- Ceresit silicone paste with 2 mm granules – 3.5 kg per 1 m²;
- Ceresit silicone mixture with fractions larger than 2 mm in diameter – 4.5 kg per 1 m²;
- Ceresit acrylic plaster – 3 kg per m²;
- facade plaster Knauf Rotband – 8.5 kg per 1 m².
Indirect factors that affect "Bark Beetle" consumption include the plasterer’s qualifications, the warehouse’s powder storage conditions, the room temperature and humidity during plastering, and so on.
Crucial! Purchase mixes from dependable and trustworthy vendors, and select respectable and legitimate brands. Request quality and construction standard compliance certificates from sellers. Combinations made by questionable, little-known producers do not ensure economical use or high-quality finishing operations.
Crucial! When making finishing material purchases, make a reserve purchase of the mixture and add 10% to the estimated quantity needed.
Examples of calculations
You will have to decorate a wall surface with an area of 10 m² with bark beetle. The material you chose was the KnaufRotband brand of dry mix. The concrete base falls 50 mm. Checking with a level revealed deviations of the wall of 6, 4 and 2 cm at three points. Beacons are installed in three places on the plane. We sum up these indicators and divide the obtained result by 3 to get the thickness of the plaster layer. In this case, the thickness is 4 centimeters. The packaging of the Rotband mixture indicates that 8.5 kg of dry mixture with a layer thickness of 1 cm is required for one square meter of wall.
Plaster needs to be applied in four centimeter layers because of the wall’s slope. 34 kg (8.5 kg x 4 cm). Ten times more, or 340 kg, will be required for a section of wall that is ten squares in size. To get 374 kg, let’s add 10% of the anticipated stock. 30 kg paper bags are part of the Knauf commodity packaging line. In order to complete a wall measuring 10 square meters, 13 bags will be needed.
Ceresit factory packaging, where the 25 kg Bark Beetle plaster is sold. When processing a surface area of thirty square meters, the amount of material required must be determined. ST-35 dry mix marking with a 3.5 mm grain diameter. Plasterboard primed serves as the base. For every square meter, the manufacturer suggests using 4 kg of the mixture. Plaster can be applied in layers no thicker than one centimeter thanks to its large granules and smooth surface. For every 30 square meters of wall, 120 kg of dry mixture plus 10% of the reserve, or 132 kg, are used. It takes six bags to finish.
Bark beetle plaster is a well-liked wall finishing material with a unique textured appearance, but it can be difficult to get the proper amount for your project. Comprehending the consumption rate is contingent upon various factors, including the surface area, application thickness, and type of plaster utilized. You can prevent waste and guarantee a smooth, even wall finish by precisely estimating the required amount.
How to save consumption
The amount of decorative plaster used is increased by active absorption and the porous base structure. Consumption of materials can be reduced with careful initial surface preparation, leveling, and coating with an insulating primer. Adhesion will increase and the decorative layer will not be weakened by moisture absorbed from the solution on the treated base. The primer’s composition will fortify the supporting layer and lessen the damaging effects of variations in humidity and temperature. This will cut down on material consumption and avoid the potential peeling of decorative plaster.
Crucial! On uneven walls, take as many measurements as you can at various points. Choose the trouble spots, determine the coating’s depth precisely, mark the area, and position beacons at the locations of the deepest dips. The quantity of measurements directly affects how accurate the measurements are.
Measurement results are totaled arithmetically and divided by the number of measurements. The obtained result is increased by the beacon’s height. For every surface, the thickness of the plaster layer is calculated separately.
Plasterboard is a useful material for decorating strongly curved and collapsed walls.It is also beneficial to apply a coating primer made of cement and deep penetration insulating materials to these walls.
Plaster Type | Consumption per m² |
Fine grain | 2.5-3.0 kg |
Medium grain | 3.0-3.5 kg |
Coarse grain | 3.5-4.0 kg |
To get the best results when applying bark beetle plaster, it’s important to understand material consumption. By precisely estimating the quantity required, you can prevent waste and guarantee a uniform finish on all of your walls.
Remember that the amount you require will vary depending on a number of factors, including the type of bark beetle plaster you use, the thickness of the application, and the state of the wall. Prior to beginning the entire project, it is usually a good idea to test on a small area and adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
In addition to saving you time and money, careful preparation and application will help you achieve a gorgeous, textured finish that improves the appearance of your house.